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Illinois Law School Directory

published June 13, 2015

By Author - LawCrossing

( 16 votes, average: 4.1 out of 5)

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Select Another State in the United States Law School Directory

  1. DePaul University College of Law
  2. Chicago-Kent College of Law/Illinois Institute of Technology
  3. John Marshall Law School, Chicago
  4. Loyola University Chicago School of Law
  5. Northern Illinois University College of Law
  6. Northwestern University School of Law
  7. Southern Illinois University School of Law
  8. University of Chicago Law School
  9. University of Illinois College of Law

DePaul University College of Law
25 E Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604

Ph: (312) 362-6831 Toll-free: 800-428-7453 Fax: (312) 362-5280

DePaul University College of Law

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws) in Health Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Law, and Taxation
  • Certificates in 11 fields: Business Law, Child and Family Law, Criminal Law, Health Law, International and Comparative Law, Public Interest Law, Taxation, and four programs in Intellectual Property Law (General, Arts and Museums, Information Technology, and Patents)

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in International Studies or Computer Science
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MS (Master of Science) in Public Service Management or Computer Science

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law
  • Business & Commercial Law Journal
  • Health Care Law
  • Journal for Social Justice
  • Law Review
  • Rule of Law Journal
  • Sports Law and Contemporary Problems



Chicago-Kent College of Law/Illinois Institute of Technology
565 W Adams St. Chicago, IL 60661
Ph: (312) 906-5020 Fax: (312) 906-5274

Chicago-Kent College of Law/Illinois Institute of Technology

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws) in Taxation, Family Law, Financial Services Law, International and Comparative Law, or in International Intellectual Property Law
  • Certificates in criminal litigation, environmental and energy law, intellectual property law, international and comparative law, labor and employment law, litigation and alternative dispute resolution, and public interest law

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MPA (Master of Public Administration)
  • JD-MPH (Master of Public Health)
  • JD-LLM (Master of Laws) in Taxation, Financial Services Law, or in Family Law
  • JD-MS (Master of Science) in Finance or in Environmental Management and Sustainability

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • Chicago-Kent Law Review
  • The Commentator
  • Journal of Environmental and Energy Law (online)
  • Journal of Intellectual Property
  • Journal of International and Comparative Law (online)



John Marshall Law School, Chicago
315 S Plymouth Ct. Chicago, IL 60604
Ph: (312) 987-1406 Toll-free: 800-537-4280 Fax: (312) 427-5136

John Marshall Law School, Chicago

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws) in Employee Benefits, Information Technology and Privacy Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Business and Trade Law, Real Estate Law, and Tax Law
  • MS (Master of Science) in Information Technology, Employee Benefits, Tax, and Real Estate

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in Political Science
  • JD-MPA (Master of Public Administration)
  • JD-LLM (Master of Laws)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • John Marshall Law Review
  • Journal of Computer and Information Law
  • Review of Intellectual Property Law (online)



Loyola University Chicago School of Law
25 E Pearson St., Ste. 1208 Chicago, IL 60611
Ph: (312) 915-7170 Toll-free: 800-545-5744 Fax: (312) 915-7906

Loyola University Chicago School of Law

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws) in Health Law, Child and Family Law, or Taxation
  • MJ (Master of Jurisprudence) in Health Law
  • DLaw (Doctor of Law) in Health Law and Policy
  • SJD (Doctor of Juridical Science) in Health Law and Policy

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MSW (Master of Social Work)
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in Political Science or in Comparative Education
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • Consumer Law Review
  • Loyola University Chicago Law Journal
  • Annals of Health Law
  • Children's Legal Rights Journal
  • International Law Review
  • Public Interest Law Reporter



Northern Illinois University College of Law
Swen Parson Hall, Rm. 151 DeKalb, IL 60115-2890
Ph: (815) 753-8595 Toll-free: 800-892-3050 Fax: (815) 753-5680

Northern Illinois University College of Law

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws)

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • Law Review



Northwestern University School of Law
375 E Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60611-3069
Ph: (312) 503-3100 Fax: (312) 503-0178

Northwestern University School of Law

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws) in Taxation
  • SJD (Doctor of Juridical Science)

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-LLM in Taxation
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in various disciplines
  • JD-MSJ (Master of Science in Journalism)
  • JD-MSL (Master of Studies in Law)
  • JD-LLM IHR (International Human Rights)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • Northwestern University Law Review
  • Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
  • Journal of International Law and Business
  • Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property
  • Journal of International Human Rights
  • Journal of Law and Social Policy



Southern Illinois University School of Law
1209 W Chautauqua Mail Code 6811 Carbondale, IL 62901
Ph: (618) 453-8858 Toll-free: 800-739-9187 Fax: (618) 453-8921

Southern Illinois University School of Law

Degree Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws)
  • MLS (Master of Legal Studies)

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MD (Doctor of Medicine)
  • JD-MAcct (Master of Accountancy)
  • JD-MSW (Master of Social Work)
  • JD-PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Political Science
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MPA (Master of Public Administration)
  • JD-Master's in Education and in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • SIU Law Journal
  • Journal of Legal Medicine



University of Chicago Law School
1111 E 60th St. Chicago, IL 60637
Ph: (773) 702-9494 Fax: (773) 834-0942

University of Chicago Law School

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws) in Comparative Law
  • JSD (Doctor of Juridical Science) in Comparative Law

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MPP (Master of Public Policy)
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in International Relations
  • JD-PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Business Administration

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • Chicago Journal of International Law
  • Chicago Law Review
  • University of Chicago Legal Forum



University of Illinois College of Law
504 E Pennsylvania Ave. Champaign, IL 61820
Ph: (217) 244-6415 Fax: (217) 244-1478

University of Illinois College of Law

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws)

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MBA(Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MS (Master of Science) in Chemistry or Natural Resources
  • JD-MEd (Master of Education)
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in Journalism
  • JD-PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Education
  • JD-DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
  • JD-MHRIR (Master in Human Resources and Industrial Relations)
  • JD-MCS (Master of Computer Science)
  • JD-MD (Doctor of Medicine)
  • JD-MUP (Master of Urban Planning)
  • JD-Master's or JD-PhD in any other degree program

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.



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