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How to Be a Top Law Student Rule 3

published November 26, 2014

By Author - LawCrossing

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How to Be a Top Law Student Rule 3

Summary: Successfully completing law school is very much a case of mind over matter. It's all about believing in yourself, right?


Successfully completing law school is very much a case of mind over matter. It's all about believing in yourself, right? Well, yes, but you'll have to do a little bit more. Not only do you have to believe in yourself, you'll have to "think the thought" as well.
What does that mean? "Thinking the thought" means that you've got to see the futility of worrying and obsessing about things you have no control over. Simply think and believe the process will work for you in the end, that whatever makes the forces of the universe "tick" will take care of you and that everything will work out exactly the way it should. Once you start thinking this way, you'll automatically begin to take care of whatever is within your "locus of control." Then everything will fall nicely into place.

Click here to read the second rule about how to be a top law student

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