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How to Become a Real Estate Lawyer

published June 16, 2009

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Being a real estate lawyer or attorney is not an easy-going profession. It includes lots of hard work. If you want to become a real estate attorney or lawyer, then this real estate law also involves the similar educational qualification level and background and also the level of difficulty that is involved in any other field of law. However, the advantages of becoming a real estate attorney are something quite different from other laws. Your opportunities will be really wide open if you do have background in both real estate and law. If you want to become a successful real estate lawyer or attorney, follow some of these steps and learn more about what being a real estate attorney is all about as well as how to become one in the future. To get clear knowledge on how to move forward to become a real estate lawyer or attorney, below are some of the steps where you can follow.
How to Become a Real Estate Lawyer

Step 1:

First and foremost, you have to join a good law school. Applying to a good law school is easy, but getting into the college is not as easy as it may sound. The probability of getting into a good law school is very low. While applying to the law school, you have to follow the same step as you might have done during your previous college applications. If you want to get into the school, you have to score well on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Prior to joining a law school, you must have completed a degree in real estate, criminal justice, business, political science, or something similar. If you have done well in your degree, the chances of getting into the law school will be higher. This will ultimately help you take the first step towards becoming a real estate attorney.

Step 2:


Once you get into the law school, you have to work pretty hard, and you have to entirely focus on your area, that is real estate, so as to gain the degree of attorney. In law school you will also be able to take economics and different law to increase your knowledge of the law and real estate. Familiarize yourself with the local real estate market, and if you have more time to spend, engage in talks with the mortgage brokers or a realtor. If you spend time talking with these people, you will be able to get firsthand knowledge on how the field operates. This will ultimately help you to become a good real estate attorney. If you have the time, visit builders' sales offices; not only these kinds of offices, but anything that is related to real estate may be very much helpful to you.
Interested in these kinds of jobs? Click here to find Real Estate jobs.

Step 3:

Try to get an attorney internship as soon as possible. This is the thing which is most important to you in your career of real estate attorney, and if you do the internship while you are in the law school, it will be even more advantageous. On your resume, getting an internship will not only look pretty good, it will also give you tremendous opportunity to work in any of the real estate law firms as an attorney or else you can work into a job soon after your graduation. After your graduation, if you are unable to find a good job in law firm, just see that you will be able to do some of the odd jobs in any of the real estate office.

Step 4:

Try to polish your resume as much as possible. Apart from the real estate law internships, there are several opportunities where you can build your own resume of a real estate attorney while you are yet in the law school. While in school write pieces for the law review, join political clubs, and try to be part of school activities.

Step 5:

After graduation, plan for life. If you weren't able to do an internship with a law firm, you still have to be looking forward to gain a position after graduation. Most of the law firms tend to hire people who are out of law school, and you have to be one of them. Try to have an outgoing personality and polished resume. It will surely contribute in a major way for you becoming a real estate attorney.

Step 6:

Try to pass the bar. Each and every state needs the law school graduates to pass the bar exam in their respective states before allowing the graduates to legally practice the law in that state. In this process, each state will be entirely different and some of the states require multi-state testing format. For more information on these formats, visit various websites which will provide you with various requirements about the attorney.

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