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Discover the Benefits of Working with a Leading Labor & Employment Law Firm: Littler Mendelson

published March 02, 2023

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Littler Mendelson is a legal firm that specializes in labor and employment law. Founded in 1942, the firm maintains over 75 offices in the United States, Mexico, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. With more than 1,500 attorneys on staff, it is the largest law firm in the world solely dedicated to representing employers in labor and employment matters. Littler Mendelson offers a wide array of legal services including advice and counsel in labor negotiations, discrimination and harassment, wage and hour compliance, trade secret protection, employee benefits and pension, workplace safety, and workplace health and safety. The firm's attorneys are dedicated to providing top-notch legal services and protect their clients' interests in the most effective manner.

Littler Mendelson is known for its excellence in litigation and preventative strategies. Its attorneys have substantial experience in representing employers in court and administrative tribunals, as well as in assisting employers in preventing litigation by providing guidance with respect to workplace compliance, employment policies, and labor relations. The firm also assists employers in resolving employment disputes through alternative dispute resolution.

The firm's practice areas also include immigration, labor relations, trade secrets protection, employee benefits, workers' compensation, and labor dispute resolution. In addition, the firm offers employer advocacy services like workplace investigations and labor law compliance audits.

Littler Mendelson has been repeatedly recognized as one of the premier labor and employment law firms in the United States. The firm has been recognized as the number one labor and employment law firm by Chambers USA, the nation's leading publisher of legal rankings, for the past 15 years. It has also been recognized as one of the top 10 law firms in the U.S. for labor and employment law by Law360.

Littler Mendelson is a highly experienced and well-respected legal firm that specializes in labor and employment law. With more than 1,500 attorneys on staff, the firm provides legal services to employers in virtually all facets of labor and employment law, including negotiations, discrimination, wages and hours, trade secrets, and more. The firm has a long history of providing top-notch legal services and has been repeatedly recognized as one of the premier labor and employment law firms in the United States. It offers employers a wide range of services including advice and counsel, litigation, alternative dispute resolution, immigration, labor relations, trade secrets protection, employee benefits, workers' compensation, and labor dispute resolution, as well as employer advocacy services like workplace investigations and labor law compliance audits.

What is Littler Mendelson?

Littler Mendelson is the largest global employment and labor law firm in the world. Founded in 1942, the law firm consists of more than 1,500 attorneys and over 75 offices worldwide. It focuses on providing comprehensive legal services related to labor and employment law in all 50 U.S. states, in addition to the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. The practice areas include labor relations, labor arbitration and mediation, labor law compliance, labor-management relations, labor law policy and other employment-related services.

Areas of Expertise

Littler Mendelson is highly recognized for its expertise in a wide range of labor and employment law issues, including individual and collective bargaining agreements, workplace safety, human resources, executive compensation, employment legislation, workplace violence, labor law compliance and litigation. The firm also offers a full range of legal services to companies of all sizes, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.

Littler Mendelson's Global Reach

Littler Mendelson has an expansive reach in the global market. Its lawyers and staff are well-versed in the language, customs and laws of various countries, allowing the firm to offer invaluable advice and services to international clients. In addition to its U.S. offices, the firm has offices in Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, India, Brazil, China, and Canada, among other countries. The firmalso provides access to its vast global network of attorneys.

Skilled Labor and Employment Lawyers

Littler Mendelson's roster of experts is uniquely qualified to provide clients with the best legal representation available. The firm's attorneys have decades of experience and specialized knowledge in a broad range of labor and employment law matters. The attorneys are consistently recognized by numerous legal organizations, including Chambers USA, Best Lawyers, and Martindale-Hubbell.

Proactive Problem-Solving

In addition to providing comprehensive legal services, Littler Mendelson's attorneys are committed to helping clients proactively prevent and resolve labor and employment issues. The firm offers a wide range of services, including preventive advice, reactive advice and opinion letters, training and workshops, as well as employment handbooks, manuals, policies and procedures. Littler Mendelson's proactive approach helps clients avoid costly and time-consuming litigation.

In the early 1940's, Littler and Mendelson was formed as a labor and employment boutique in San Francisco and largely handled government wage-control issues, labor strikes, and various other matters that arose as a result of wartime labor laws. Since, its labor and employment practice has evolved with the times and the firm has grown to become the foremost authority in its field. The largest firm in the country devoted exclusively to labor and employment law on behalf of management, Littler and Mendelson currently employs almost 400 attorneys in 29 offices.

Much of the growth that has allowed the firm to rise to national prominence has occurred relatively recently in its history. After having spread to every major commercial center in California in the 1970's and opening its first East Coast office in Baltimore in the early 80's, Littler has seen a veritable growth explosion occur since the early 90's, opening offices in every region of the country. Now making its mark in 17 states, Littler has set up satellites in Boston, Charlotte, Miami over the last 12 months. The firm also teamed up with Phoenix-based Bacon & Dear last year to establish a separate firm, Littler Mendelson Bacon & Dear, to handle immigration law, allowing clients to get immigration services that often overlap with employment law from a firm affiliate.

This massive growth is justified, however, as the firm has become the labor and employment firm of choice for a vast number of American corporations, including everyone from Fortune 500 members to small businesses. A survey conducted last year by Corporate Counsel magazine found that Littler Mendelson receives labor and employment work from 22 of the 194 Fortune 250 companies that responded, six more than its nearest competitor. The firm even takes on important government clients, as one of its shareholders just successfully finished defending the California Supreme Court against an unfair dismissal charge.

As the top choice for corporations to dole out labor and employment matters to, Littler & Mendelson has also become a top choice for many attorneys who seek to practice in the field. There are plenty of reasons for that, too, as the firm offers competitive salaries (although somewhat lower than what you might find at a national general practice firm), an emphasis on a proper work-life balance (including telecommuting options and an optional reduced hours plan after working there for two years) and early experience with clients and in the courtroom. Littler also offers training and mentor programs for both new and lateral hires that has an unmatched capability to produce excellent labor & employment attorneys. The firm's somewhat unique combination of having a boutique practice while still offering the benefits of a large national firm is also a draw to many who take labor and employment law seriously.

So what does it take to join Littler Mendelson? First and foremost, a clear dedication to the work the firm does. All attorneys must have an interest in making a career out of the practice of labor & employment law. Since the firm does get the chance to draw from the best pool of labor & employment attorneys, academics and prior law firm experience (for laterals) are necessarily looked at quite seriously. The firm also takes diversity very seriously, as evidenced by its top ranking in a Daily Journal poll of California's 25 largest firms. Littler also ranks high nationally in the percentage of minority attorneys, gay & lesbian attorneys and female attorneys it employs.


Littler Mendelson currently has openings for legal staff throughout its network of 29 offices, and for labor and employment attorneys in the San Francisco Bay Area, Columbus, OH, and Denver, among other places. More information regarding attorney positions at Littler Mendelson can be found in the LawCrossing jobs database.

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