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Difference Between a Paralegal and Lawyer

published January 01, 2024

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Difference Between a Paralegal and Lawyer

Embarking on a journey in the legal industry holds the promise of immense gratification, but the quest to discover the most fitting role or specialization within this complex profession is not always immediate. For those contemplating whether to tread the path of a paralegal or aspire to become a lawyer, discerning the distinctions between these two professions is crucial. The intricacies of this decision are compounded by a myriad of factors, as the ideal choice hinges on a personalized amalgamation of individual skills, career aspirations, and personal circumstances.

Navigating the crossroads of choosing between a career as a paralegal and that of a lawyer involves a comprehensive understanding of their shared traits and distinctive features. Delving into the diverse realms of responsibilities, educational prerequisites, and potential remuneration provides valuable insights that can inform and streamline your decision-making process. Join us as we delve into the nuanced nuances of these legal roles, shedding light on the intricacies that may shape your professional trajectory. Discover more about the unique duties, educational pathways, and prospective salary landscapes that set paralegals and lawyers apart.

Difference between a lawyer and a paralegal

To gain a deeper understanding of the distinctions between a paralegal and an attorney, it is essential to begin by elucidating the scope of responsibilities accorded to paralegals. Paralegals find themselves engaged in a range of legal tasks akin to those performed by attorneys, with the notable caveat that they can only execute these duties on behalf of and under the direct supervision of a licensed attorney.
In essence, both paralegals and attorneys contribute to the completion of substantive legal work, yet there exist significant differentiating factors that delineate their roles:
Practice of Law: The crux lies in the ability to practice law, a privilege reserved for licensed attorneys. In stark contrast, paralegals operate within a framework where there are fewer formal requirements governing their activities, a facet that will be explored in more detail later in this discussion.
Tasks and Responsibilities: While legal professions universally entail a certain level of stress, attorneys shoulder a heightened degree of responsibility for legal work. This is primarily because a supervising attorney assumes ultimate accountability for the tasks delegated to their paralegal, underscoring the hierarchical structure within legal teams.
Qualification Requirements: Lawyers must meet stringent criteria encompassing specific educational milestones, training programs, and licensing requisites to practice law. Conversely, the pathway to becoming a paralegal is marked by relatively fewer formal prerequisites, a facet that will be further expounded upon later in this discourse.
Salary and Compensation: The divergence in educational requirements is mirrored in the potential return on investment, with the pursuit of a legal career as an attorney typically offering a higher earning potential. As we delve deeper into this exploration, the discussion will unveil the nuanced landscape of salary differentials, illustrating how the trajectory of lawyers often surpasses that of paralegals in terms of financial remuneration.

Difference between a lawyer and an attorney

In the United States, the terms "lawyer" and "attorney" are commonly used interchangeably, and the American Bar Association (ABA) explicitly considers "attorney" to be another designation for a lawyer.
However, it is important to note a technical distinction. A person who has successfully obtained a law degree, specifically a Juris Doctor (JD) degree, from an ABA-accredited law school is recognized as a lawyer. Yet, possessing a law degree alone does not grant the authority to represent clients in a courtroom. An individual earns the title of an attorney (or "attorney at law") after completing a law degree from an accredited institution, passing the bar exam, and obtaining a license to practice law in a particular state. An attorney is thereby authorized to advocate on behalf of a client in a legal setting.
While colloquially the terms "attorney" and "lawyer" are often used interchangeably, an attorney is always a lawyer. However, it is worth noting that not every lawyer may hold the status of an attorney, as this requires meeting additional qualifications such as passing the bar exam and obtaining a state license.
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Can paralegals become a lawyer?

With the appropriate education and training, the transition from a paralegal to a lawyer is entirely feasible.
Paralegals, equipped with a solid foundation of legal knowledge and hands-on experience, are well-positioned to assess whether pursuing a career as a lawyer aligns with their skills and temperament. Their comprehensive understanding of the law and practical experience can facilitate a smoother journey through legal education. Nevertheless, it is crucial to emphasize that even seasoned paralegals must fulfill the same educational and licensing prerequisites mandated for all practicing attorneys.
Delving into the divergence in job responsibilities between paralegals and lawyers necessitates an acknowledgment of the considerable variations influenced by factors such as practice area, experience level, and the nature of the law firm. Although the specific duties assigned to both roles can differ significantly based on these variables, a comparison of their general job responsibilities unveils certain commonalities.
Discerning the distinctions in job responsibilities between paralegals and lawyers can be challenging, given that paralegals often undertake legal tasks under the purview of a supervising attorney. Moreover, the job responsibilities of paralegals closely parallel those of lawyers, underscoring a key advantage in hiring paralegals who seamlessly integrate into legal teams by shouldering tasks akin to their attorney counterparts.
For example, paralegals often take on the following tasks on behalf of their supervising attorney:
Navigating the dynamic landscape of the legal profession involves a spectrum of responsibilities for both paralegals and lawyers. The collaborative nature of their roles ensures a seamless integration of tasks aimed at delivering effective legal services. Here are some key responsibilities that encompass the realms of client communication, case management, research, document preparation, and trial support:
  • Client Communication and Case Updates:
Maintaining open and clear lines of communication with clients.
Providing timely updates on the status of their cases.
  • Client File Management:
Reviewing and meticulously organizing client files for accessibility and efficiency.
  • Legal Research:
Conducting thorough factual and legal research to support case strategies.
  • Document Preparation:
Crafting legal documents, including drafting discovery notices, pleadings, and transaction-related documents.
Preparing and organizing documents essential for various legal processes.
  • Case Preparation:
Assisting in the preparation of cases by gathering and organizing relevant information.
  • Interviewing Clients and Witnesses:
Conducting interviews with clients and witnesses to gather essential information.
  • Trial Support:
Assisting supervising attorneys during trials and closings.
Gathering and presenting case information as required during legal proceedings.
  • Document Management:
Overseeing the management of legal documents, ensuring accuracy and compliance.
The delineation of responsibilities underscores the multifaceted nature of the legal profession, wherein paralegals and lawyers collaborate to ensure the smooth functioning of legal processes. This synergy not only streamlines the workflow within legal teams but also enhances the quality and efficiency of the services provided to clients
However, while attorneys may do any of the above tasks, they have the additional job responsibilities that paralegals are not allowed to take on, including:
  • Giving clients legal advice.
  • Accepting or rejecting client cases.
  • Representing clients in court.
  • Setting their attorney fees.
Additionally, lawyers are bound by many ethical responsibilities that come with being a lawyer—including when it comes to working with paralegals.
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Ethical rules for lawyers working with paralegals

The ABA Model Rule 5.3 underscores the responsibility of lawyers to ensure that their nonlawyer staff, including paralegals, adhere to professional conduct rules. This obligation is reiterated by Guideline 1 of the ABA Model Guidelines for the Utilization of Paralegal Services. Understanding these ethical guidelines is essential for maintaining the integrity of legal practices.
Turning to the disparity in salary between paralegals and lawyers, a notable distinction exists in favor of lawyers, primarily due to their elevated earning potential. Various factors, including practice area, firm size, experience, and geographical location, contribute to the divergent salary ranges within these professions. While individual circumstances may influence compensation, national averages provide a general framework for comparison.
As of 2020, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported a median annual salary of $52,920 for paralegals and legal assistants, with the caveat that these roles are often combined in the data. In contrast, the median annual salary for lawyers stood at $126,930, signifying a considerable difference and underscoring the substantially higher earning potential associated with a legal career as an attorney. This notable income gap reflects the diverse skill sets, educational requirements, and responsibilities inherent in these distinct roles within the legal profession.

What are the job prospects for a paralegal vs. a lawyer?

In terms of job prospects, both paralegals and lawyers enjoy promising outlooks in the legal industry, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). However, there are distinctions in the projected growth rates between the two professions for the period between 2020 and 2030.
Paralegals and legal assistants are expected to experience a faster-than-average growth rate of 12%, reflecting a positive employment outlook. This is attributed, in part, to law firms seeking increased efficiency and streamlined operations. Paralegals play a pivotal role in achieving these goals by providing cost-effective support to lawyers while contributing to innovation within law firms. The anticipated demand for paralegals suggests a robust job market for individuals pursuing this career path.
Conversely, the job outlook for lawyers is projected at 9%, considered as fast as average. While lawyers continue to be in demand, the growth rate is slightly lower compared to that of paralegals. Factors influencing this outlook include the evolving landscape of legal services and the changing nature of client needs.
Now, let's explore the differences in the education and training required for paralegals versus lawyers:

Paralegal Education and Training:

Typically, paralegals need an associate degree or a certificate in paralegal studies.
Some paralegals may have a bachelor's degree or other related qualifications.
Training often includes coursework in legal research, writing, and the practical application of legal principles.
Certification through professional organizations is available but is not always mandatory.
Lawyer Education and Training:
Lawyers must obtain a Juris Doctor (JD) degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA).
The JD program usually takes three years to complete.
After completing law school, lawyers must pass the bar exam in the state(s) where they intend to practice.
Specialized training or further education may be pursued for specific legal fields.
In summary, while both paralegals and lawyers contribute significantly to the legal field, the education and training paths diverge. Paralegals typically pursue shorter-term programs focused on practical skills, while lawyers undergo a more extensive and specialized education, including a law degree and passage of the bar exam.
There is a significant difference when it comes to education and training requirements for paralegals and lawyers.

Paralegals: Experience, education, and certification

The path to becoming a paralegal and a lawyer involves distinct educational and training requirements, as outlined by the American Bar Association (ABA). Here's a breakdown of the qualifications for both roles:


According to the ABA, paralegals can qualify through education, training, or work experience, often in combination. While there are no national formal education requirements for paralegals, some states mandate certification and continuing legal education (CLE) training hours. Many paralegals typically possess a combination of formal education and paralegal-specific training.
This often includes an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree in paralegal studies, criminal justice, or a related field. Certification, though not mandatory, is a common route for paralegals to enhance their career prospects. Reputable certification programs are offered by organizations like the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) and the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA).


Becoming a licensed lawyer involves a standardized and rigorous process:
Earn a Bachelor’s Degree: A four-year degree is a prerequisite to gain admission to an ABA-accredited law school.
Graduate from Law School: Successfully complete three years at an ABA-accredited law school.
Pass a State Bar Exam: Study for and pass a state bar exam, which tests knowledge of the law,
including professional ethics and responsibilities.
Pass Character and Fitness Evaluation: Complete a detailed questionnaire disclosing past details such as convictions, misconduct, or substance abuse issues, and undergo a review.
Take an Attorney’s Oath: Swear to support laws and uphold state and federal constitutions, with the exact oath varying by state.
Be Granted a License: Upon meeting state bar admission requirements, receive a license from the highest court in the state.
It is essential for individuals aspiring to become lawyers to research and understand their jurisdiction's specific rules and requirements before embarking on the path toward a legal career.

After becoming a licensed lawyer

After you become a lawyer, there are ongoing fees and training requirements to maintain your license to practice law. Most states require an annual renewal fee to remain part of the state bar. Lawyers must also complete a certain number of CLE hours annually.
See more
Become a Lawyer: How to Become a Licensed Attorney and Learn What it Takes To Succeed
How to Become a Lawyer: An Inside Look at Working Behind the Bar

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a paralegal vs. a lawyer?

Ultimately, the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a career as a paralegal or a lawyer will depend largely on your personal goals, passions, and background. However, there are a few general pros and cons of each career path.

Pros of being a paralegal

Becoming a paralegal offers several advantages, including a streamlined educational path, ample job opportunities, engaging and varied work tasks, and potentially less personal responsibility compared to lawyers. Here are some key points highlighting the benefits of pursuing a career as a paralegal:
Cost-Effective Education and Training:
The educational and training requirements for paralegals are less extensive compared to those for lawyers, translating to lower time and tuition costs.
Abundant Job Opportunities:
With a positive employment outlook for paralegals, the field offers a growing number of job opportunities, providing a stable and expanding career landscape.
Varied and Challenging Work:
Paralegals enjoy diverse day-to-day tasks tailored to meet the needs of supervising lawyers and law firms.
Specialization in a specific area of law or in unique tasks, such as legal research, allows paralegals to create a more focused and specialized career.
Manageable Responsibility Levels:
While paralegals play a crucial role in legal teams, the ultimate responsibility for the outcome of a legal matter rests with the supervising attorney.
This distribution of responsibility may contribute to lower work stress levels and a more balanced work-life dynamic compared to the higher levels of responsibility often borne by attorneys.
Overall, a career as a paralegal offers a cost-effective and rewarding path for individuals seeking involvement in the legal field with the prospect of diverse and challenging work, abundant job opportunities, and a potentially more balanced professional life.

Cons of being a paralegal

You have less income potential. As previously discussed, the average paralegal salary is significantly lower than a lawyer’s.
You have less control over your work. Because paralegals work on behalf of a supervising lawyer, they have less autonomy over their professional decision making and workload (which can sometimes lead to paralegal burnout).
You can’t practice law. If you want a career in the legal industry because you want to practice law and argue in court on behalf of clients, you can’t do this as a paralegal.

Pros of being a lawyer

You have greater income potential. The average salary of a lawyer is higher than that of a paralegal, which makes becoming a lawyer your best bet if you’re looking to maximize your earning potential as a legal professional.
You gain more prestige. Being a lawyer carries a lot of responsibility, but it is also a high-prestige, high-respect career path.
You’re able to practice law. From arguing cases in court to giving legal advice, you are only allowed to practice law if you’re a licensed attorney.

Cons of being a lawyer

You need more education and training. In addition to taking more years, more formal education could mean more student debt—which may offset the higher earning potential for lawyers early in their careers.
You have to pass the bar. Passing the bar exam is no easy feat and may not be the best choice for everyone—but it is a requirement to become a practicing attorney.
You will take on more responsibility—and potentially more stress. Whether it’s due to challenging clients, long hours, keeping up with ongoing lawyer training requirements, or dealing with law school debt, being a lawyer can be incredibly stressful and can lead to lawyer burnout.
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