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Exploring Career Opportunities for Law Students: What Jobs Can You Get?

published March 09, 2023

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Exploring Career Opportunities for Law Students: What Jobs Can You Get?
Questions Answered In This Article
  • What are the career opportunities for law students besides becoming practicing lawyers?
    Law students can work in government and public policy, business and finance, academia, and non-profit organizations.
  • What kind of work do lawyers do in law firms, government agencies, and corporations?

    Lawyers in law firms specialize in one or more areas of law, provide legal counsel and representation to clients, negotiate contracts, draft legal documents, represent clients in court, and provide advice on legal matters. Lawyers in government agencies may be prosecutors, public defenders, or attorneys who work for various federal, state, or local government departments, provide legal advice to government officials, represent the government in court, and work to enforce laws and regulations. Corporate lawyers provide legal advice and counsel on issues related to the company's business operations, assist with mergers and acquisitions, contract negotiations, intellectual property issues, compliance with laws and regulations, employment issues, or litigation.
  • What kind of work do law students do in government and public policy?
    Law students can work as legislative analysts or lobbyists, attorneys, policy analysts, or campaign managers. Legislative analysts help lawmakers understand the legal and policy implications of proposed legislation, while lobbyists work to influence the decisions of lawmakers on behalf of their clients. Attorneys and policy analysts in government agencies help ensure that government policies and regulations are legally sound and in the best interest of the public. Law students can also work for public interest law organizations that promote social justice and serve underrepresented communities.
  • What kind of work do law students do in business and finance?
    Law students can work in corporate compliance, mergers and acquisitions, or risk management. They can advise businesses on legal risks, develop compliance policies and procedures, conduct internal investigations, advise clients on legal risks and opportunities related to M&A, and develop risk management plans. Law students can also explore opportunities in investment banking, venture capital, and private equity by helping companies raise capital, invest in businesses with high growth potential, or provide funding and management support.
  • What kind of work do law students do in academia?
    Law students interested in academia can become law professors or legal researchers. They can conduct legal research, teach law courses, and publish scholarly articles in legal journals. They may also work as librarians or administrators in law schools.
  • What are the career opportunities for law students besides becoming practicing lawyers?
    Law students can work in government and public policy, business and finance, academia, and non-profit organizations.
  • What kind of work do lawyers do in law firms, government agencies, and corporations?
  • Lawyers in law firms specialize in one or more areas of law, provide legal counsel and representation to clients, negotiate contracts, draft legal documents, represent clients in court, and provide advice on legal matters. Lawyers in government agencies may be prosecutors, public defenders, or attorneys who work for various federal, state, or local government departments, provide legal advice to government officials, represent the government in court, and work to enforce laws and regulations. Corporate lawyers provide legal advice and counsel on issues related to the company's business operations, assist with mergers and acquisitions, contract negotiations, intellectual property issues, compliance with laws and regulations, employment issues, or litigation.


Law school is a challenging and rewarding experience that can open doors to a range of exciting career opportunities. While many law students aspire to become lawyers, there are a variety of other career paths available to those with a law degree. From working in government and public policy to pursuing opportunities in finance or business, the skills and knowledge gained in law school can be applied to a wide range of fields. In this article, we will explore some of the potential career paths available to law students.

Career Opportunities for Law Students

Legal Practice The most obvious career path for law students is to become practicing lawyers. Law school provides a strong foundation in legal theory and prepares students to become skilled legal professionals. Lawyers can work in a variety of areas, including criminal law, family law, corporate law, and intellectual property law. Law firms, government agencies, and corporations all need lawyers to provide legal counsel and representation.

Legal practice is one of the most common career paths for law students. After graduating from law school and passing the bar exam, many students choose to work as lawyers in law firms, government agencies, or corporations.

Lawyers who work in law firms usually specialize in one or more areas of law, such as corporate law, intellectual property law, or family law. They provide legal counsel and representation to clients who need help with legal issues related to their businesses, personal lives, or other areas of concern. They may negotiate contracts, draft legal documents, represent clients in court, or provide advice on legal matters. Law firms may be small, medium, or large, and can vary in focus from general practice to highly specialized.

Lawyers who work in government agencies may be prosecutors, public defenders, or attorneys who work for various federal, state, or local government departments. They may work on a variety of legal issues, such as criminal justice, civil rights, environmental law, or tax law. Government lawyers provide legal advice to government officials, represent the government in court, and work to enforce laws and regulations.

Corporate lawyers work for corporations and provide legal advice and counsel on issues related to the company's business operations. They may help with mergers and acquisitions, contract negotiations, or intellectual property issues. They may also assist with compliance with laws and regulations, employment issues, or litigation.

Government and Public Policy

Law students can also find opportunities in government and public policy. Many government agencies require legal expertise, and law students can work in areas such as legislative analysis, lobbying, and public interest advocacy. Working in government can be a rewarding career path, as individuals have the opportunity to impact policies and regulations that affect millions of people.

Law students interested in government and public policy have a wide range of career opportunities available to them. They may choose to work for federal, state, or local government agencies, or for advocacy groups and think tanks focused on public policy.

One common career path for law students interested in government and public policy is to work as legislative analysts or lobbyists. Legislative analysts help lawmakers understand the legal and policy implications of proposed legislation. They may review bills, analyze their impact, and provide recommendations to lawmakers. Lobbyists, on the other hand, work to influence the decisions of lawmakers on behalf of their clients. They may work for corporations, trade associations, or advocacy groups, and help shape public policy through strategic advocacy and communication.

Law students can also work in government agencies as attorneys or policy analysts. They may work for agencies such as the Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency, or the Securities and Exchange Commission. These attorneys and analysts help ensure that government policies and regulations are legally sound and in the best interest of the public.

Public interest law organizations are another option for law students interested in government and public policy. These organizations work to promote social justice and serve underrepresented communities. They may focus on issues such as civil rights, environmental justice, or poverty law. Attorneys and policy analysts in these organizations provide legal services, advocacy, and policy analysis to promote social change.

In addition to traditional legal and policy roles, law students interested in government and public policy can also pursue careers in political campaigns and elections. They may work as campaign managers, advisors, or attorneys, and help shape political campaigns and election law.

Business and Finance

Law students can also apply their legal expertise to careers in business and finance. For example, they can work in corporate compliance, mergers and acquisitions, or risk management. Law students who are interested in finance can also explore opportunities in investment banking, venture capital, and private equity.

Law students with an interest in business and finance have a variety of career opportunities available to them. Many businesses require legal expertise to navigate complex legal regulations and minimize risk. Law students can work in areas such as corporate compliance, mergers and acquisitions, or risk management.

Corporate compliance involves ensuring that a business is in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Compliance officers work to prevent legal violations and reduce the risk of legal and financial penalties. They may conduct internal investigations, develop compliance policies and procedures, and provide training to employees on legal and regulatory requirements.
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) involve the buying, selling, and combining of companies. Law students who work in M&A help negotiate and draft legal agreements, conduct due diligence, and advise clients on legal risks and opportunities.

Risk management involves identifying and assessing risks that a business may face and developing strategies to manage those risks. Law students can work in risk management by advising businesses on legal risks and developing risk management plans.

Law students who are interested in finance can also explore opportunities in investment banking, venture capital, and private equity. Investment bankers help companies raise capital by underwriting and selling securities, such as stocks and bonds. Venture capitalists and private equity firms invest in businesses with high growth potential, often by providing funding and management support.


Another career path available to law students is academia. Law professors have the opportunity to conduct research, teach, and mentor the next generation of legal professionals. This career path can be particularly appealing to those who enjoy writing and research and want to make a lasting impact on the field of law.

Academia is another promising career path available to law students. Law professors have the opportunity to conduct research, publish scholarly articles and books, teach and mentor students, and contribute to the development of legal theory and practice.

Law professors typically have a strong academic background and a record of publishing high-quality research. They may have experience practicing law or working in government, but many also pursue advanced degrees such as a Master of Laws (LL.M.) or Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) to prepare for a career in academia.

Law professors typically teach courses in a wide range of legal topics, including legal theory, contracts, property law, torts, and criminal law. They may also teach specialized courses in areas such as intellectual property law, environmental law, or international law.

In addition to teaching, law professors are expected to conduct research and publish scholarly articles and books. This research can help shape legal theory and practice and contribute to the development of new legal ideas and concepts. Law professors may also be called upon to serve as expert witnesses or to provide commentary on legal issues in the media.

Academia can be a rewarding career path for law students who enjoy research, writing, and teaching. Law professors have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the field of law and to shape the thinking of future legal professionals. However, academic careers can be highly competitive and require a strong commitment to research and scholarship.


In conclusion, law students have a range of exciting career opportunities available to them beyond the traditional role of a practicing lawyer. From working in government and public policy to pursuing opportunities in finance or academia, the skills and knowledge gained in law school can be applied to a wide range of fields. By exploring these career paths, law students can find a fulfilling and rewarding career that aligns with their interests and passions.

Law students have a wealth of knowledge and skills that can be applied to a variety of professions outside of practicing law. Some examples include working in government and public policy. For example, lawyers can work for government agencies or legislative bodies to help draft legislation or provide legal analysis. They can also work as policy analysts, advising policymakers on the legal implications of proposed policies or regulations.

Law students can also pursue opportunities in finance, such as working in investment banking or corporate finance. Lawyers who have a strong understanding of contract law and legal negotiations can be particularly valuable in these roles. Additionally, legal knowledge can be an asset in fields like real estate, where lawyers can provide legal advice on property transactions or zoning laws.

Academia is another option for law students, as many universities hire law professors to teach courses on various legal topics. With the right experience and credentials, law students can also become legal researchers, working for law firms or legal research organizations to conduct in-depth research on legal issues.

Ultimately, the skills and knowledge gained in law school can be applied to a wide range of fields, and law students should explore various career paths to find a fulfilling and rewarding career that aligns with their interests and passions. By leveraging their legal education in innovative ways, law students can build a career that not only utilizes their legal skills but also allows them to make a meaningful impact in their chosen field.

  • What kind of work do law students do in government and public policy?
  • What kind of work do law students do in business and finance?
  • What kind of work do law students do in academia?

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