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Kevin Heverin Joins V&E’s Restructuring Practice in London

published September 10, 2018

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Kevin Heverin Joins V&E’s Restructuring Practice in London

Vinson & Elkins LLP has made an addition to its Restructuring and Reorganization practice by hiring Kevin Heverin. He will reside in the firm’s London office.
Kevin Heverin Joins V&E’s Restructuring Practice in London

Heverin gained broad experience at his previous firm, White & Case LLP, where he represented a range of stakeholders on all aspects of complex restructurings, workouts, debt financings, special situations investing and insolvency matters. In addition, Heverin has completed secondments to the European Special Situations Group at Goldman Sachs International and to the restructuring advisory team at Morgan Stanley.

“Kevin has demonstrated a pragmatic approach to developing creative strategies to address clients’ complex legal issues,” said Jeff Eldredge, Co-Head of V&E’s Corporate Department. “His broad range of experience is a great complement to the firm’s existing strengths in London, and we look forward to the role he will play in the continued expansion of our global restructuring capabilities.”

While giving his notable representations, Heverin was also part of a team that acted for an ad hoc committee of bondholders on the restructuring of an oil and gas group with interests in North Africa, as well as a group of lenders on the restructuring of a Danish shipping company.

“V&E’s stellar corporate practice and strong client relationships across a variety of sectors provide the perfect platform for me to continue to grow my practice,” Heverin said. “The team's strength across several key practice areas provides great opportunity, including assisting clients with complex cross-border restructurings and special situations investments. I am thrilled to join such a dynamic team.”

The Restructuring and Reorganization practice of V&E counsels debtors, creditors, equity-sponsors and investors in all aspects of complex corporate restructurings. The team serves company clients across multiple industries, including energy, shipping, retail and health care, and works with practitioners across the firm to address issues that may arise in the course of an in- or out-of-court restructuring.

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