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Coach’s Corner Bar Blog Helps Lawyers Become Better

published May 20, 2016

By Author - LawCrossing

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Summary: Elizabeth Jolliffe is a coach for lawyers because lawyers need a little help sometimes to keep their motivation up.
Elizabeth Jolliffe, J.D. Is Your Benchmark Coach

Coach’s Corner Bar has a new home on Elizabeth Jolliffe’s main page. She works with career management and business in development coaching for lawyers. She started off as a commercial litigator for almost 20 years at Clark Hill PLC in Detroit. During that time she as informally mentoring and coaching colleagues and friends, as well as serving as the Recruiting Committee Chair. She started her own coaching practice in 2008.

The Blog page provides advice and tips for lawyers. An article from April 2015 titled “Job Searching: Do You Look and Sound Like Yourself?” highlights another column by HR consultant Liz Ryan, the founder of “Human Workplace.” The column gives advice for those searching for jobs, exploring why you want to work at a specific company.

Other posts on the blog discuss interview preparation tips. The post examines a WSJ article by Dennis Nishi. The article was all about how important it was to ask questions during interviews. Her post tells you that waiting until the end of the interview to ask the question about what the company is looking for in a candidate is too late.

Elizabeth understands that lawyers sometimes need a little push to be successful at their job. Coaching isn’t just for sports.


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