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In-House Corporate Attorney

published January 13, 2016

By Author - LawCrossing

( 10 votes, average: 4.4 out of 5)

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Law firm culture is not for everybody. It can, after all, prove intense, requiring crazy hours – sometimes upwards of 100 per week – and this not paid for, just expected so you can inch your way up the totem pole. A lot of firms require new associates to work hard to prove themselves. Considering a lot of them don’t have families, and are eager to prove themselves, they will mount incredible burdens and responsibilities. Even if your firm isn’t of this nature, maybe you want to try something new. You might consider being an in-house corporate attorney.
Find a better work-life balance as an in-house corporate attorney.

A lot of large corporate attorneys require so much consistent legal work that they hope to save money by hiring a lawyer or small team of lawyers to work exclusively with them. These lawyers have the unique responsibility of being loyal to a corporation, rather than to a firm, and hence knowing something outside of law: how their corporation works. Since many of your coworkers will be non-lawyers, you can get out of the intense and overbearing legality of the firm culture, and perhaps get involved with a product or service you really care about.
If working as an in-house attorney appeals to you, consider looking on LawCrossing to find your place in the business world. With our experience working with corporations hiring lawyers such as yourself, you are sure to find the perfect place for your legal practice.

Browse In-house Corporate Jobs on LawCrossing Today
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