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Can a virtual paralegal work for an attorney in a different state?

published October 05, 2015

By Follow Me on

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Can a virtual paralegal work for an attorney in a different state?
We asked two attorneys in the United States if a virtual paralegal can work for an attorney in a different state. They both answered yes. We hope you enjoy their responses.

Yes. Except for a few exceptions an attorney must be licensed within the state he or she practices. Paralegals on the other hand are considered support staff, and may conduct work for an attorney in any jurisdiction.


What one lawyer calls a paralegal may not be what another lawyer calls a
 paralegal. One paralegal may have decades of on the job experience and no
 formal schooling and the other may have a paralegal degree and nothing else.

A virtual paralegal can service any state as long as their duties do not
 require anything more than a cursory knowledge of that state’s law or
procedures. Filing requirements, among other things, may vary from different 
counties in a state and from state to state. A deposition
 summary is the same in all jurisdictions; however, an original petition and 
a motion to suppress will vary from court to court and state to state.

So, in short, the answer is a very limited yes. The better answer is hire someone locally who understands the nuances of the court in which you
 practice. They will be able to serve you and ultimately your clients better.

-Rand Mintzer, Attorney at Law

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