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David Lat of Has Been Writing His Whole Life

published September 30, 2015

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Summary: The founder of Above the Law, David Lat, started the blog in 2006, where it quickly grew in popularity, being named by several organizations as a top website.

Above the Law

David Lat, founder and managing editor of, is a lawyer, legal commentator and author. He attended Harvard College and Yale Law School. He has worked as a law clerk for federal appeals judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain, an associate at Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz, and as Assistant U.S. Attorney for the appeals division of the District of New Jersey.

Lat started Above the Law in August 2006. The blog discusses news about law firms, the legal profession, and legal gossip. An article in the Washington Post in 2007 called the blog “a must-read legal blog”. The ABA Journal in 2008 listed the website in their “100 best Web sites by lawyers, for lawyers.” The blog reached the benchmark of one million visitors per month in June 2013.

The blog was not Lat’s first experience with writing and blogging. He started off writing the gossip blog “Underneath Their Robes” as an anonymous writer. He revealed his identity in 2005 during an interview with Jeffrey Toobin of The New Yorker. He launched his first novel in December 2014, Supreme Ambitions.

Lat was working for Wonkette when he joined up with Elizabeth Spiers of Dealbreaker to form Above the Law in 2006. The blog quickly grew so that by 2009, Lat announced he would be working on the blog full-time with writing and editing. In 2012, they broke the news that Dewey & LeBoeuf was about to explode. Business Insider has also named the Lat as one of the twenty biggest legal stars on Twitter, calling his Twitter “a treasure trove of law firm gossip, employment trends, stupid law student antics, and pretty much anything else concerning the legal industry.”



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