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High-Profile Health Care Group Joins Baker Donelson in Houston

published October 13, 2014

By Author - LawCrossing

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High-Profile Health Care Group Joins Baker Donelson in Houston

Summary: A high-profile health care attorney group has left Strasburger & Price to join Baker Donelson in Houston. The group includes four attorneys: Ivan Wood Jr., Stuart F. Miller, Marissa Weitzner Arreola and Matthew Maruca. Miller and Arreola join as shareholders, Wood as senior counsel, and Maruca as an associate.

Speaking on Miller, Arreola, Wood and Maruca joining Baker Donelson, Phil McSween, chair of Baker Donelson's Health Law Group said, "These attorneys bring a tremendous amount of experience in serving a wide range of needs for health care organizations. We're very pleased to welcome this group of highly regarded professionals to our team.

Stuart F. Miller, who joins as a shareholder has been recognized as a leading attorney in his field by The Best Lawyers in America® and by Texas Super Lawyers. He serves as president of the Greater Houston Healthcare Alliance and is immediate past chair of the Houston Bar Association Health Law Section.

Miller handles health care joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, entity formation and private placement securities offerings, in addition to drafting various health care contracts. He also regularly advises health care clients regarding compliance with the Federal Anti-Kickback Act, the Stark Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Marissa Arreola, who is also joining as a shareholder, previously served as Director of Legal Services for The Methodist Hospital System, a five-hospital network and academic center headquartered in Houston's Texas Medical Center. Ms. Arreola is vice chair of the American Health Lawyers Association's Physician In-House Counsel Affinity Group.

Arreola's experience includes representing physician groups in acquisitions by private equity backed entities; developing, drafting and negotiating salary, productivity and non-compete models for physician employment agreements; and advising clients regarding Stark, Anti-Kickback, Federal False Claims Act and other health care fraud and abuse laws.

Speaking on the development, Bradley E. Chambers, managing shareholder of the law firm's Houston office said, "We're committed to continuing the strategic growth of our Houston office through the addition of attorneys who are recognized leaders in their field. Bringing in such a strong group of attorneys marks a significant expansion of our presence in Houston and greatly enhances our capabilities in serving clients in the health care sector."

Speaking on their reason for shifting base, Miller, who led the health care group said, "Joining a firm with more than 700 attorneys across the Southeast and beyond, as well as a nationally recognized health law group, gives us the opportunity to better meet the needs of our clients through substantially enhanced resources across a larger geographic footprint and a broader range of practice areas. "

Wood, who is joining as senior counsel is a fellow of the American Health Lawyers Association, Mr. Wood is Board Certified in Health Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He has been named a leading health care attorney by Chambers USA and has also been recognized in The Best Lawyers in America® and Texas Super Lawyers. Mr. Wood has practiced health care law in Texas for more than 38 years.

Maruca, who joins as an associate, has experience with negotiating and drafting health care facility management agreements, operating agreements, partnership agreements, medical director agreements, staffing agreements and facility and equipment leases. He previously served as corporate counsel and corporate secretary for a major health care company.

This news originally appeared on High-Profile Health Care Group Joins Baker Donelson in Houston
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