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Squire Sanders Adds Partner in Health Care Practice

published August 28, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing

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Squire Sanders Adds Partner in Health Care Practice

Cincinnati based law firm Square Sanders announced on Tuesday that it had recruited a new partner in its Health Care practice. Attorney Adam Colvin will be a resident partner in the Cincinnati office and would be joining the Healthcare Practice Group of the law firm.

Colvin is a known expert in Hospital and Health Care law, and formerly worked at Katz Teller Brant & Hild. He completed his JD from the University of California, LA, and is a part of the 2003 batch. Though Colvin joined in the Healthcare Practice Group, he is also known for his experience and work in corporate law.

Colvin has been recognized as one of the Best Lawyers in America in Healthcare.

The press release from Squire Sanders mentioned that Colvin focuses primarily on regulatory and transactional matters including the Stark Law, purchase and sales of physician practices, establishment of ambulatory surgery centers, fraud and abuse issues in the health care industry, employment agreements and contracts related to the industry, and transactional and compliance matters of ancillary industries like imaging centers.

On the occasion of Colvin joining the law firm as a partner, David Grauer, the head of the Cincinnati office of Square Sanders said that the firm was sure he would be an asset to the healthcare practice group and further added saying, "His talent and extensive healthcare experience will create new opportunities and will add to the level of service we can provide our clients in Cincinnati, throughout Ohio, and across the country."

The Healthcare practice group of Square Sanders was listed in Tier 1 by US News & World Report in its annual "Best Law Firms" rankings, and the American Health Lawyers Association recognized the law firm within the top 10 healthcare law practices. The healthcare practice group of the law firm was also ranked high by Chambers USA 2013.

Responding to his welcome, Colvin said, "I am delighted to become a part of Squire Sanders' preeminent healthcare practice … I look forward to working with a strong set of experienced lawyers and to serving many of the industry's leading clients across Squire Sanders' global platform."
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