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The “Love Lawyer,” Corri Fetman Esq.

published January 07, 2013

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Personal Life

Corri Fetman, Corri Fetman & Associates, Ltd.
Corri Fetman proudly opened her boutique law firm, Corri Fetman & Associates, Ltd. , based in Chicago, Illinois. Her firm is located down the street from her alma mater, DePaul University College of Law. After twenty years of practice, Corri continues to work hard every day to provide quality representation in business contracts, divorce, custody, prenuptial agreements, litigation, employment law, entertainment law, family law, and civil unions. Her law firm makes it their top priority to focus on a multitude of legal areas.

Corri is well known for her 2007 ad campaign, “Life's Short. Get a Divorce,” which put her and her family law firm on the map. The tagline and the images of a hot shirtless man and a sexy woman wearing lingerie were featured on Chicago's Gold Coast billboard. The successful advertisement made international news for its creative and unprecedented take on divorce as well as lawyer advertising. Corri came up with the ingenious ad campaign when her business was down and she decided not to run the typical lawyer advertising. She believes her advertising conveys a clear message to individuals who are seeking a divorce: “There is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Corri is also widely known as the attorney who posed for Playboy in February 2008. She said it's an honor to pose for Playboy and is proud to be in the same class of beautiful women such as Marilyn Monroe, Charlize Theron, Raquel Welch, Pamela Anderson, Bo Derek, Cindy Crawford and many other celebrities who graced the magazine. Corri explained that it was a personal choice to be featured in America's favorite magazine and believes modeling for Playboy is no different than seeing naked bodies on canvas artwork at a museum, you just see more of Corri in the February edition (and currently in the Cyber Club on She earned the nickname “Love Lawyer” for her love and relationship advice columns that have appeared on, Chicago Now, Rebel Magazine and a number of blog syndications around the world.

The famed divorce attorney has been featured in prominent print media, which includes The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Chicago Sun-Times. Corri is a proficient writer who is currently working on an exciting book that discusses divorce. In addition to balancing her own private practice with her writing career, Corri has appeared on a variety of radio and television shows. She is a frequent guest on ABC, Fox Chicago, MSNBC, WGN, Fox National, Fox Chicago, CNN, The Sean Hannity Show, Good Morning America, Chicago's 103.5 KissFM, 104.3 KHITS, WGN radio, WIND-AM, WLS and Mancow TV, as well as other local and national programs. Individuals who are interested in listening to Corri's weekly Love Lawyer segment can tune in on 105.5-The Beat, South Florida's Number One station, with DJ Jack “Scrappy” Degnan.

Corri is truly a dynamic and multi talented woman who thrives in the national spotlight. Whether she is utilizing her extensive knowledge of divorce law or is serving as an expert analyst, on-air host or legal correspondent to numerous media outlets, the media guru leaves us wondering, “What's next?”

Corri's Hobbies and Successful Law Career

What are Corri's hobbies? What are her favorite sports teams? She replied:
“In 2006 I decided to take my passion for fitness to a new level. I transformed my body by training for figure and bodybuilding competitions. As a result, I have become addicted to the strict workouts, diets, and discipline that it takes to prepare myself for such events. I guess it has reached the point where it has really become more of a lifestyle for me than anything else, but it definitely started out as a stress-relieving hobby.

I love to watch soccer. I also love hockey and the Chicago Blackhawks. I also have an affinity for the Chicago Bears and Chicago Bulls. The loyalty of the fans, the tradition that rings from within the walls of the almost 90-year old stadium…Bears games are truly an awesome experience for any football fan, let alone a Chicagoan! I am also a huge New York Knicks fan and have attended several home games.”
Corri was asked, “Where did you go to undergrad and law school?” She answered, “I attended DePaul University to complete my undergraduate degree and then went on to attend DePaul College of Law in the heart of Chicago's famous Loop area where I now have my own law firm.”

The Chicagoan recalled her most memorable law school experience. Corri noted
“When I was on Law Review (a process in which law students who are in the top of their class scholastically research cases and publish them in a scholarly journal) my mentor, John, asked me to cite check a group of cases for him as a requirement for maintaining my status on Law Review. I only put aside 3 hours to do this task because I had to work and also study for an exam that was taking place later in the week. Well, silly me, the citing project ended up taking me 15 hours to complete and I was in a state of panic because I did not have much time to study for my final exam. As I left the final exam, I had convinced myself that I had flunked the class, but as luck would have it I found out later that I had received an ‘A' in the class. The whole experience taught me a huge lesson in time management that I carry with me even to this day!”
Many readers are probably interested in how Corri became an attorney. She explained:
“Ever since the age of 11, when I took my first job at a bakery to start saving for college, I have known that I wanted to own my own business one day. Even as a child, I was always fiercely independent (and maybe a little defiant…) which is why I think that the aspiration for a business to call my own came to me at such an early age.

The fact that law was the path that I chose to take my career down was really a matter of fate. While I was working on my undergraduate degree at DePaul University, my Introduction to Law teacher (who was a practicing attorney) pulled me aside and told me that I had scored the highest test grade in his class. He asked if I had ever considered taking up law as a profession. Unable to even fathom paying for law school at the time as I was already working 3 jobs, I kindly shrugged off his suggestion and it was then that he offered to write a letter of recommendation to assist me in acquiring a scholarship to DePaul University College of Law…the rest, as they say, is history.”
What is the best part of her job? “The best part of my job is without a doubt helping a client successfully remove themselves legally from an unhappy marital situation. As a divorcee myself, I know just how difficult the divorce process can be emotionally, physically, and financially, and there is no greater reward at the end of a long hard battle, than to see my client walk away feeling confident and liberated.”

Corri discussed what area of the law she is most passionate about and revealed she is a bit of a nerd when it came to her field of expertise in family law:
“After I graduated from law school I worked for a couple of different firms in which I litigated in several different practice areas, however it was not until I took a job as an associate at a boutique matrimonial firm that I really found my niche in the legal community.

At this point, I realized that I finally found an area of the law that was exciting and allowed me to utilize my litigation and transactional skills simultaneously. After gaining experience in family/divorce law (and saving up every penny I had!), I left and opened my own firm in 1995.

I think that I was drawn to family/divorce law because it requires you to think out of the box and be creative. It also requires a practitioner to be knowledgeable in almost every type of law imaginable. A divorce practitioner must be conversant in tax law, ERISA law, patents and trademarks, torts, real estate and many other facets of the law. It is a highly sophisticated field although it generally gets a bad rap. I would definitely say that some of the cases I am most proud of in my career have utilized my ability to form unique strategies in order to provoke a settlement or win at trial. I'm a bit of a nerd and legal cases can be a bit like solving a very intricate equation and forging a killer strategy (which for me is thrilling, believe it or not!).

I also have a background in transactional law so I am passionate about drafting settlement agreements, business contracts and prenuptial agreements. I believe drafting agreements is an art and allows me to be resourceful. In my opinion, drafting agreements requires an attorney to think forward and try to conceptualize every possible problem that could arise in the future and find a way to use innovative drafting in order avoid future litigation.”
Corri also discussed what she is known for professionally. Although she acknowledged that her firm has been known in the Chicago-land area for many years as being an aggressive, empowering, all-women's law firm that provides some of the most pragmatic legal advice and strategy for cases, she explained how one ad made international news that would forever change her career:
“It was in 2007, on the tails of my infamous ‘Life's Short. Get A Divorce.' ad campaign that Corri Fetman & Associates, Ltd was given the kind of international attention that would forever put me and my law firm on the map.

Uninspired by traditional legal ad campaigns, I came up with the idea to create a racy billboard that depicted the tagline, ‘Life's Short. Get a Divorce.' flanked by the images of a scantily clad woman and a hot shirtless man.

The advertisement skyrocketed to fame and made international news for its unconventional take on divorce and lawyer advertising. Ever since then, Corri Fetman & Associates, Ltd has been known all over the country as the non-judgmental, creative, outcome-oriented firm who is unafraid to break from the stuffy, pompous ‘lawyer' image and be real. The message of ‘Life's Short. Get A Divorce.' was a positive one-- to inspire people to live their best life and be happy in their relationships.”
When asked, “Is there an area of practice you would like to develop further into?”, Corri said, “I would love to dive deeper into the pool of entertainment law. With all of my experience being on camera, in-studio, as an author and the varying connections I have made over the years, I think I would make a great corollary between an actor, singer, writer, athlete, etc and a production company, network, publisher or what have you. We shall see…you never know what the future holds.”

In regards to her strength, Corri pointed out:
“As a strong-willed woman with a no-nonsense attitude and a great irreverent sense of humor (if I do say so myself!), I find that one of my greatest strengths as an attorney is relating to my clients who are usually on the same page as I am when it comes to conducting business. Maybe it is because I have a tendency to conduct my own business in a stereotypically ‘male' way. My other greatest strength is preparation and strategy on my cases. There is no such thing as over-preparation. Clever strategy always, always wins cases. There is no substitute.”
As for her weakness, the candid legal correspondent claimed, “But on the flip side of that coin, my weakness [is] being too much of a perfectionist and, at times, being too aggressive and wanting to wage a scorched-earth war when I feel my client has been wronged or when the opposing party or counsel is lying. I despise liars and believe they are cowards. I enjoy fighting for the underdog. That is the very reason one of my clients named me ‘Barracuda Barbie.'”

Besides fighting for the underdog, what else motivates Barracuda Barbie? Corri admitted:
“I have always been very self motivated and am constantly trying to better myself and reach new goals on a daily basis. Because I have a killer type A++ personality and perfectionist demeanor, I do not compete with anyone else—just with myself (which can sometimes be harder than competing with another person, if you ask me!). This combination of relentless drive and intense personality results in instantaneous motivation whenever I set a new goal for myself or whenever someone tells me that I cannot do something.”
Corri wants to be remembered as:
“ A strong, but kind, female role-model to all women(present and future) who strive to break down traditional barriers and carve a niche for themselves in this cut-throat profession.

As someone who has had to fight tooth and nail for everything I have ever accomplished, I have a lot of compassion for people who are just starting their law practice or any business because I know what they are going to have to go through to make it. It takes more dedication, passion, perseverance and relentless motivation than you would ever imagine. I am so proud of myself for my determination while maintaining my sense of humor. I always remember from where I came. There is not a day that goes by that I do not express gratitude for all of the blessings I have been so fortunate to be bestowed.

In the end, I also hope people mostly remember me for always fighting for my clients and being tenacious. However, those few that are fortunate to know me on a personal level will remember me for being unique, mysterious, intense, independent, incredibly private, an amazing friend, giving, generous, loyal, fun, witty and one of the kindest humans they have ever met.”
Pro Bono Work, Not-for-Profit Organization, Corri's Mentors and Mentoring Other Individuals

Does Corri handle pro bono cases? She replied:
“I have actually done a lot of pro bono work throughout my career. I have represented children and also wards of the state by acting as a Guardian ad Litem in many disturbing abuse cases.

Representing abused, emotionally distraught and emotionally challenged children and adults is one of the most difficult and yet most rewarding tasks I could ever perform as an attorney.

I also perform pro bono work and assist people with legal matters on a regular basis. I do, however, do not believe in divulging my efforts in charitable and pro bono work. My assistance comes purely from my heart and to reveal it would cheapen it. The people that I assist are forever grateful and that is enough of a reward for me.”
Corri also supports and admires a not-for-profit organization called Give A Little Does A Lot. She explained:
“As a fitness and health enthusiast, I believe very strongly that it is my responsibility to teach others who are less knowledgeable on the topic the dangers and negative effects that living an unhealthy lifestyle can have on your body.

For this reason, I support and admire an Illinois-based, not-for-profit organization called Give A Little Does A Lot. This particular charity was created to champion the fight against obesity and its devastating effects on the health of American children and adults. The great people who participate in this organization make it their mission to disseminate knowledge and information to kids about wellness, fitness, and ways to prevent obesity.”

For more information on this wonderful cause, you can visit
Corri has been blessed to have several mentors throughout her life and is an inspiration to many young people. She asserted:
“Throughout my life I have tried to surround myself with people who are smarter and savvier than I am in any given field. I have a mentor for each one of the different facets of my life including: acting, modeling, writing, public speaking, bodybuilding, media, and of course, law.

For example, I have maybe the best, most caring, patient (and hilarious!) radio personality mentor that any woman could ask for. Jack “Scrappy” Degnan, my main man and own personal media maven, is a talented program director and radio personality, writer, and extremely gifted artist. Scrappy took me under his wing after a radio interview we did in January 2008 regarding my Playboy spread and advice column on We immediately bonded and have worked together on his radio show ever since that time.

Scrappy has taught me how to draw up the poise and swagger needed to become a dynamic, energetic on-air personality and I owe all of my media-based knowledge to him. He has not only helped me grow as a person, but has also helped my firm grow as well by empowering me with the tools needed to successfully complete on-air interviews and guest segments. He has worked with me with the patience level of a saint and over time we have become great friends. Scrappy has always believed in me and there is no greater feeling than having a mentor like that. I could never express enough gratitude to Scrappy for his unconditional friendship and business acumen. He is one of a kind and I feel so blessed to have him in my life.”
Corri's Advice to People Who are Thinking about a Divorce

What is the number one reason people get a divorce? According to Corri, there are many reasons people divorce but typical reasons are due to a lack of communication and money. Therefore, it is essential that both individuals sign a prenuptial agreement, which is a contract entered into prior to marriage. The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of a divorce and may also encompass estate planning provisions. Corri highly recommends prenuptial agreements because most people have assets that can be protected. Prenuptial agreements may also serve to save people a lot of money in attorney fees and costs if they decide to end the marriage.

So what advice would Corri give to someone thinking about getting a divorce? The straightforward attorney said the question was hard to answer because there are so many factors and components involved in the process. Corri said “whatever the reason for your decision, Individuals need to be ready and prepared to go forward because a divorce is typically not a pleasant process. However, in the end, the majority of the people find that the rewards and lessons learned are definitely positive and abundant.

What is Impossible for Corri to Give Up, More about Corri and Her Vision for the Future

The fitness and health enthusiast acknowledged that it would be impossible for her to give up Music; Starbucks Iced Tea; Oatmeal with Cinnamon and Sun Warrior Chocolate Protein Powder, and working out.

When asked, “Is there anything else you'd like to tell people about yourself?,” Corri answered:
“I am known as and was first coined ‘The Love Lawyer' by where I was the designated expert who dished on sex, love, celebrity divorce and relationships and the law in a weekly advice column. I am always available (and passionate) as a media personality and legal commentator to discuss the legal implications of top news stories, covering everything from relationship advice, pop culture, to divorce, to legal commentary and tips. I frequently analyze popular divorces in the media on-air as well as contribute my professional opinion to highly talked about legal cases involving celebrities and high-profile individuals. I am an entertainment, pop culture and celebrity relationship legal maven!”
Corri talked about her up coming projects. She said:
“I am currently writing a book (hopefully a series of books) in which I break down different aspects of family law cases and relationships (child custody, etc.) in an approachable manner that is not overwhelming or intimidating to readers. My books will also provide readers with tips that no one in the profession will ever tell you and will provide the reader with a repository of useful information.

I am also currently working on several other projects that I, unfortunately cannot divulge at this time. But they are sure to be exciting!! Stay tuned!”

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