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The Top 10 Georgia Legal Practice Areas

published April 22, 2008

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<<Please note that these popular practice areas depend on numerous variables such as the local economy, new law, and level of enforcement and are always subject to change. In addition, the rankings of these practice areas are simply predictions based upon local economic/law firm information found online at the U.S. Census Bureau website,,,, and

1. Finance: With Atlanta serving as the hub, there is much work to be done in this hot legal field. Georgia finance law tends to include careers in securities, banking, and bankruptcy.

2. Corporate: Georgia corporate law centers on business formation, regulatory compliance, and mergers and acquisitions. Keep on the lookout for employment listings involving emerging professional responsibility issues.

3. Litigation: Litigation is always in style in Georgia. Careers in Georgia litigation law range impressively from personal injury to insurance, with employment opportunities available throughout. In addition, many Georgia firms now focus their practices on appellate work.

4. Employment: Grounded by Atlanta's diverse economy, Georgia employment law stands tall and offers an array of job possibilities. As of late there has been a spike in employment law when it comes to careers dealing with discrimination lawsuits of any type as well as sexual harassment actions.

5. Entertainment: Entertainment law has been growing in popularity in Georgia as of late. Be prepared to dive into a field that is transaction based. Examples of the type of work you can expect to encounter in this exciting area include mediation, negotiation, and, of course, contract drafting.

6. Intellectual Property: Legal work within the intellectual property area in Georgia has traditionally been dominated by patent and trademark firms. There are also a good number of niche high-tech firms that exclusively deal with advertising, licensing, and trade secrets.

7. Tax: The focus of Georgia tax law has always been related to the corporate and finance practice areas noted above. Consequently, be on the lookout for firms and businesses with jobs revolving around direct links to those areas.

8. Healthcare: In Georgia, HMO, coverage, and premium issues dominate the healthcare landscape. There are many jobs in this exciting field. In addition, careers connected to fraud and collection legal issues are on the rise.

9. Bankruptcy: With numerous large businesses calling Georgia home, there is never a shortage of work in this growing area of law. Chapter 7 and dischargeability legal careers are particularly popular legal subcategories in this field.

10. Agricultural: Georgia has always been a leading agricultural force, and the legal work associated thereof always has much to offer. Most legal work relates to produce and farming.

See current Atlanta legal opportunities on LawCrossing.

Click Here to Read BCG Attorney Search’s Guide to Corporate and Finance Job Search Categories for More Information.

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