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Allen & Overy LLP Law Firm Profile

published May 15, 2012

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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  1. About Allen & Overy
  2. Contacts & Offices
  3. Facts & Figures
  4. Areas of Practice
  5. Summer Associate Program
  6. Salary
  7. Benefits
  8. Pro Bono Policy
  9. Allen & Overy in the News


Allen & Overy is one of the most prestigious international law firms headquartered in the U.K and a leader of the “Magic Circle” of U.K. law firms. Allen & Overy is well-known for its corporate law, dispute resolution and capital markets work, and in 2008, in the middle of the recession, it joined the elite club of law firms earning more than GBP 1 billion in gross revenue.

Allen & Overy was established in the 1930s and has about 500 partners and 2700 attorneys in 39 offices in 27 countries across the world. Allen & Overy works through local collaborations in a global market of another 100 countries and opened new offices in Australia, Indonesia and Qatar in 2010. In the United States, Allen & Overy works out of its office in New York which is also the center of its worldwide US law practices.

Allen & Overy is famous for recruiting people who are amicable and not given to snobbery. Great mentors, great colleagues and great environment remains in focus of the firm. Elegant offices and worker amenities still continue despite the recession and with more than 5,500 office staff, Allen & Overy is big law in its truest sense.

IP, securities, litigation, and tax remain the prime areas of practice within the U.S. for Allen & Overy, but with its focus on globalization, international interests, being open to trans-locate and high academic grades are a must for candidates seeking work at the firm.

The US law group of Allen & Overy has more than 180 lawyers located across Asia, Europe and US. Allen & Overy is very selective in recruitment and has a smaller class than most other big law firms. The screening process for new applicants is thorough and interviewers focus more on the kind of personality they are looking for than simple academic grades and shining resumes.

Hours are long, pay is good, environment is phenomenal, and growth opportunities almost limitless for people who can fit in. Allen & Overy believes in protocol and transparency without any conflict between the two. Also according to those who are experienced with the workings of the firm, there is little divide in the treatment between associates and partners.

The training and mentoring at Allen & Overy is reputed to be outstanding and associates trained at the firm are gladly accepted in other firms anywhere. However the training opportunities at London and New York are the best for beginners. Training includes lectures by renowned professors and orientation by the best mentors. Allen & Overy firmly believes in the importance of training for new associates.


Main Office
One Bishops Square
London E1 6AD
United Kingdom
Primary Contact:
Ms. Nicole Lancia (Recruitment Manager)

Other Offices in the US:

1221 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, New York 10020
T + 1 212 610 6300
F + 1 212 610 6399
1301 K Street NW,
9th Floor, East Tower
Washington, District of Columbia 20005
T + 1 202 683 3800
F + 1 202 683 3999


Year of Establishment
Number of Offices
Largest Office
Number of Attorneys
Number of Associates
Number of Partners
Partner Associate Ratio:
Percent Women Attorneys:
Percent Partners Who Are Women:
Percent Minority Attorneys:

  • Antitrust and EU
  • Employment and Benefits
  • Energy
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Finance
  • Industry Sectors
  • Insurance
  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution
  • M&A and Corporate
  • Real Estate
  • Regulatory
  • Restructuring and Insolvency
  • Tax


U.S. summer associates are offered 12-week placements in New York, London, and Hong Kong, with opportunities to spend time in one office or split the summer between two of the offices. Survey respondents praise the firm's culture and say the “people are really friendly and it is a pretty relaxed environment.” The firm does its best to match each summer associate with the areas of law she or he is most interested in. Summer associates can expect to work on assignments that reflect the challenges and responsibilities equivalent to that of first year associates, and participate in weekly formal training sessions. Summer associates typically leave the office by 6:30 p.m., and rarely, if ever, work weekends. Even though summer associates are provided with BlackBerrys, survey respondents report that they are not required to constantly check it after hours. Survey respondents say the firm encourages pro bono work as well as participation in various firm-sponsored charity projects. Summer associates can attend an unlimited number of attorney lunches, for which the budget is $50 per person. Social events in the New York office include a private box at a Yankees game, private tour of the MoMA, and cooking classes. The firm made offers of permanent employment to approximately 96% of both its 35-member 2009 summer class and 25-member 2010 summer class. The firm has not deferred the start dates for any incoming classes of associates.


Allen & Overy's starting salary is $160,000. The firm pays this starting salary in each of its U.S. offices.

Associate Salaries (US Offices)

Y1      $160,000
Y2      $185,000
Y3      $185,000
Y4      $210,000
Y5      $230,000
Y6      $250,000
Y7      $265,000


Our benefits vary slightly from one jurisdiction to another but generally include at least 4 weeks paid vacation, health insurance, maternity leave, 401(k), bar review reimbursement and relocation expenses (where necessary).

Billable Hours:  150 hours per month.


There is no minimum pro bono requirement, but pro bono hours count fully towards billable hours. “If you want to do pro bono work,” one member says, “there are plenty of opportunities.” According to another insider, “the firm encourages it, and there is no penalty to choosing to do pro bono work due to lockstep salaries and bonuses.” However, in 2010, only 19% of associates participated in pro bono work, with an average of 26 hours per associate. As befits a firm with Allen & Overy's global reach, much of its pro bono work relates to international human rights.

Allen & Overy has hired Jens Matthes, who was leading Linklaters ' German IP practice since 2008. Matthes will be joining Allen & Overy's Duesseldorf office. He will be in charge of rebuilding the firm's IP group which saw an exodus this week to rival Quinn Emanuel.
Allen & Overy is giving a pay raise to its associates and the pay range is between £500 and £1,000. This makes it the first law firm among the Magic Circle to announce its 2012-13 rates.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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