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Fox Rothschild LLP

published February 14, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

( 34 votes, average: 4.4 out of 5)

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Fox Rothschild, which was established in in Philadelphia in 1907, boasts more than 500 attorneys throughout its offices in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Florida, Nevada, California, Connecticut, and Washington, DC.

As one of the first Philadelphia firms to implement a mandatory pro bono service policy for both first-and second-year associates, Fox Rothschild is committed to serving the community. Attorneys and paralegals receive credit for time spent on pro bono issues and pro bono hours are considered in the offering of base salaries and bonuses. The firm's legal professionals have served a range of pro bono clients including individuals, religious organizations, community groups, non-profit associations, social welfare causes, and human resources organizations.

Through its Diversity Committee, the firm advocates diversity and inclusiveness across all offices. To date, the committee has worked to join partners and associates of differing backgrounds through diversity retreats and other social offerings.

The firm is also committed to recognizing and meeting the needs of its female attorneys at all levels. The Women's Initiative has tackled a range of issues and established mentoring programs, peer support training, and team building to connect females across the firm and beyond. The firm also supports alternative and reduced work schedules as well as generous maternity leave offerings.

Fox Rothschild is constantly exploring new ways to better meet client demands through technological offerings. The Fox Rothschild technology team is available around the clock to serve both attorneys and clients in a broad range of areas. The team's knowledge covers application development and software package support, litigation and practice support, network administration, telecommunications and operations, project management, and automation and computer training.
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