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Business Leader Magazine Honors Florida Attorney

published December 27, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Price is a director with the business law firm Cohen & Grisby, where she also functions as a member of the Litigation Group, specializing in the areas of complex business and commercial litigation, construction and real estate litigation, business torts and contractual disputes, probate and trust litigation, and employment litigation.

Before joining the Bonita Springs office of Cohen & Grisby in 2003, Price served as a partner at Cummings & Lockwood, LLC, in Naples.

Throughout her 18 plus years of experience in the legal field, Price has accumulated a number of honors. Legal Aid Service of Collier County honored her as the Attorney of the Month in 2008 and presented her with the Janeice T. Martin Equal Justice Award in 2009. Price was selected as the May 2008 Attorney of the Month for her tremendous contributions to Legal Aid Service of Collier County, which include establishing a foreclosure task force to assist those in danger of losing their homes. She is also listed in both Florida Super Lawyers and in the Florida Super Lawyers, Corporate Counsel Edition.

Price has long maintained active involvement in the legal programs and organizations, including the Collier County Bar Association (CCBA). She served on the Board of Directors from 1996-2006 and as the association's president during from 2004-2005. As the President of the CCBA, she initiated the “Collier Lawyers Care” Program. The pro-bono program operates in collaboration with Legal Aid Service of Collier County, another organization that Price is a part of.

Furthermore, she is associated with the Twentieth Judicial Circuit Pro-Bono Committee and chairs the Legal Aid Services of Collier County Advisory Board. She was heavily involved with the creation of the Legal Aid Service of Collier County's “Wills for Heroes” program, which provides free will and health -care directive assistance to veterans and their spouses.

She has held high-level positions within a number of professional organizations including the Thomas S. Biggs Chapter of the American Inns of Court; the Florida Bar, Trial Lawyers Section; the American Bar Association; the Florida Gulf Coast Justice Studies Advisory Board, and The Naples Players. She has also been active within the American Red Cross and the Shelter for Abused Women & Children.

Business Leader Magazine presents the Women Extraordinaire awards each year to C-level executives, business owners, or civic leaders who have exhibited a dedication to business achievement and community service.

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