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Wilson Sonsini Aggressively Refutes Solyndra Accusations

published October 12, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Wilson Sonsini Aggressively Refutes Solyndra Accusations
Solar panel maker, Solyndra, claimed that law firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 's advice on its bankruptcy created a conflict of interest. The law firm is moving aggressively to refute these allegations. Solyndra's failure has generated blaze of debates - House Republicans claim the political connections to be behind the Obama administration's decision to push taxpayer money into a questionable project even as the company's finances were collapsing. The firm filed for bankruptcy in September after closing its operations and cutting off 1,100 employees. In the meantime, Solyndra is under FBI investigation for possible accounting fraud. Wilson Sonsini claims its “ethical wall” banned Allison Spinner from managing any work on Energy Department.
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