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Social MediaTips for Law Students

published September 26, 2011

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It's important to 'reframe' your efforts; everything you publish online works toward building, or tearing down, your professional 'brand'. This means, per Stanton, taking down any risque photographs, rants or anything else that could not only embarrass you, but jeopardize your chances for employment, by the powers that be at firms in which you're interested in working.

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These days, it's common to have multiple social media profiles via such platforms as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Monitor what you publish here, always emphasizing the business end of things; utilize the established methods the platforms provide for building your brand; nothing cute, funky or provocative.

Stanton suggests ''liking'' firms in which you're interested on Facebook. Likewise, commenting on a firm's newsfeed gets a thumbs up from Stanton. However, it's the language, and the frequency, of the comments she cautions about: nothing cute, or flippant, and no posting ten times a day, or even every day. Be selective. Choose words carefully, to make an impression.

Follow select law blogs. Try to post positive comments on those you find valuable and helpful; when appropriate, add your own insights. By engaging in the blogosphere in this way, you become part of a virtual community; you are contributing, and this goes toward building your reputation, and your brand.

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As well, following the blogs of firms in which you're interested, using the same selective, judicious mindset as with law blogs, will go a long way toward establishing an online presence for yourself.

JD Match is truly unique in that it is the first online legal recruiting service that pairs law students with their preferred firms, and law firms with their preferred students. Founded in April of 2011, JD Match uses an advanced algorithm which optimizes the preferences of members, which include law firms, law students, and law schools. It takes the current recruiting process to next level, by working to ensure a more satisfying relationship between candidates and firms. Per information at the company's website, the process does not replace the existing system, it enhances it; it works in tandem with all NALP and school guidelines and works to improve results across the board. One of the major services JD Match offers is the ''Match Days'', which take place during the fall and spring; the traditional 1L, 2L and 3L recruiting seasons.

Stanton has significant experience in managing highly profitable, multinational teams of service professionals. Most recently, Stanton served as Director of the Client Relationship Program at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe. As director, she managed client outreach, insight mining, internal training, resource development, and communications efforts. Stanton also served as Executive Vice President at global communications agency Bates Worldwide, where she fostered and managed multiple large, global client relationships for organizations including Pfizer and the U.S. Department of Defense.

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