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FTC Dismisses Antitrust Case

published April 26, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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FTC Dismisses Antitrust Case
Hogan Lovells announced last week that the FTC dismissed an antitrust suit that included Laboratory Corp of America and its nearly $58 million check to purchase Westcliff Medical Laboratories, Inc. The competing companies are both based in California. LabCorp is represented by Hogan Lovells during these proceedings, one of the nation's largest law firms. The FTC sued in late 2010 in an effort to block the transaction and cited antitrust laws violations. A California court denied the request for an injunction while also dissolving the restraining order that had been in place since December. After another short battle in the Ninth Circuit, the request was once again denied, eventually leading to the announcement that the suit was dismissed in its entirety.
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