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Linda Sheer Jones, Senior Director of Career Services Ohio State University Moritz College of Law

published April 13, 2011

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It makes sense a law school would seek to find a senior director who is not only experienced with the nuances of the legal profession, but one with strong recruitment skills as well. That's just what Linda Sheer Jones brought to the table when she met with Ohio State University's Moritz College of Law. With close to two decades in the recruitment profession, including those associated with law students and attorneys, Jones also spent time with two New York law firms, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, as well as Lord Day & Lord, Barrett Smith. In both of these positions, she oversaw the hiring of associates and summer workers. She coordinated and conducted assignments and evaluations while also keeping the two firms' various continuing legal education programs in compliance. To say she was an early front runner with Moritz is an understatement.

Along with her experience, Jones is also a well known speaker who has presented for the American Bar Association, the National Law Journal and the National Association of Law Placement. Currently, she serves as president of the Goodwill Service Board in Columbus.

She and her team work with current and former students as they begin their legal careers. With a nationwide pool of law firms, she is able to put the students best suited for any particular position together in order to define an ideal fit for both.

The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law has teamed up with Symplicity, a career services management program that allows career counselors to cross reference openings with law students who potentially could be a good fit. It allows Jones and her employees to schedule interviews, both on and off campus, while also allowing employers to communicate through the system with both the law school and any applicants it might be considering. It's a relatively new program, and one that's worked well for all involved.

Moritz is one of the best law schools in the United States; in fact, it's in the top ten best public law schools in the country. Further, its dispute resolution specialty program is ranked number 5. Located in Columbus, Ohio, the law school was founded in 1891 and received college status in 1896. Surrounded by a combination of traditional and contemporary buildings, most famously the Drinko Hall, the school has hundreds of applicants each year. The school is named after Michael E. Moritz, who made a $30 million donation in 2001. It remains the largest gift in the school's university.

For more information on Linda Sheer Jones or the Moritz College of Law, visit the website at

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