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The Advantages of Legal Assistant Jobs

published June 30, 2010

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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A professional legal assistant plays an important role along with other legal professionals such as administrative law specialists, attorneys, administrative law examiners, or prosecutor training coordinators in the legal profession. The advantages of legal assistant jobs come along with the intellectual and financial benefits they receive from their work such as fast career growth, prestige, and the opportunity to work in a dynamic and mentally-stimulating environment.
The Advantages of Legal Assistant Jobs

Legal assistant profession involves analysis assignments and research, preparation of administrative or legal hearing documents such as contracts, leases, and deeds. One is also tasked to do reviews of legislations, statutes, precedents, and rulings which can be used to respond to requests for legal opinions, and helps in updating legal publications and participates in similar work in the law library. He is also tasked to prepare case notes, index entries, and head notes describing orders and final decisions.
Concerning actual cases and hearings, legal assistant jobs take on the trusted responsibilities in doing factual investigations, preparing pleadings and correspondence, preparation of proposals for decisions and other similar documents.

For one to be truly effective in his job as a legal assistant, he is also expected to have significant knowledge and exposure to the fundamental subjects in law, good at research and analysis, and familiar with the methods and tools used in legal study. Additionally, one should also have the ability to speak and write well, be tactful, and possess good judgment and discretion especially since his position will expose him to the varied sensitive aspects of law practice and professionals.

There are a lot of advantages in building a legal assistant career whether you choose to work in a private law firm, in an insurance company, litigation, real estate, or government or public law offices. The more prestigious the company or organization you are associated with, the better stature you are afforded by the society. More often this is because of the hard work put in by the legal professionals within that company, especially when one takes up the legal representation of famous or high profile personalities and independent companies.

Being employed in this highly-regarded profession also assures you of stability and financial security. The salary, bonuses, and even profit-sharing, if you will be connected in a private firm or practice though may differ from state to state, the economic stability legal assistant jobs give is reassuring. For independent companies like law firms, insurance, and real estate, the salary range may also depend on their size and number of clients serviced.

But among all these, legal assistant employment in private law firms or practices is better provided with the highest annual salary range of $30,325 to as much as $45,220. Litigation follows at $30,029 to $44,789; insurance companies, $29,801 to as much as $44,362; government or public law offices with $28,323 to $42,528; while real estate has a pay range of $28,649 to $42,900.

The pay can also come higher for those with longer work experience. Those in the range of one year or less in actual job experience can earn an annual salary of $25,500 to $35,700. While those with twenty years or more job experiences have the chance of earning from $39,400 to $54,100. Some companies also throw in some bonuses and paid vacation trips as perks for well-performing legal assistants that may contribute to a better lifestyle for their employees and prestige for their own companies.

In general, legal assistant jobs may mean hard work, dedication, and a solid academic background yet all these are worth it if getting into the right company and loving the kind of work you have is what you are going to have for the rest of your life. It is not just the mentally-stimulating environment, the good pay, the lifestyle and prestige that you can earn from being a legal assistant that will most be beneficial to you, but the chance of living your dream job is what is more important.

So take the first step now and find the best company or law organization you wish to work with and start living your dream. can help you get connected with thousands of job listings you will find very useful in your search. In whatever state, company, and job experience requirements, we have it all listed for you. While your resume carries the solid academic and work credentials that will help you get that job, will be your best friend tool in making your search a lot more easy and convenient for you. So start clicking and start living your legal assistant job now!

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Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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LawCrossing has received tens of thousands of attorneys jobs and has been the leading legal job board in the United States for almost two decades. LawCrossing helps attorneys dramatically improve their careers by locating every legal job opening in the market. Unlike other job sites, LawCrossing consolidates every job in the legal market and posts jobs regardless of whether or not an employer is paying. LawCrossing takes your legal career seriously and understands the legal profession. For more information, please visit
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