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Legal Document Specialist

published August 04, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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The Legal Document Specialist can work in a law firm assisting an attorney in document preparation. In a law firm the Document Specialist is also called a Word Processor. There are many software programs a Legal Document Specialist will need to use to complete legal documents, commercials, legal contracts and letters to clients. They use Word and PowerPoint and any other software used to design presentations and commercials. The primary program used by the Legal Document Specialist is Word fifty percent of the time, and all other programs the other half of the time.
Legal Document Specialist

Job Responsibilities
  • The Legal Document Specialist is responsible for the paper filing system and the electronic filing system. The legal forms should be organized in a fashion that can be easily accessed by others.
  • Document Specialists manage the back-up system to organize data storage for the firm.
  • A Legal Document Specialist provides administrative support to the law firm. This means receiving all phone calls and forwarding calls to the proper attorney, managing mail delivery, arrange travel, and schedule meetings for attorneys.
  • The Legal Document Specialist enters the documents and proof reads everything before it leaves the office. This includes any printed documents from memos to graphs.
  • The Legal Document Specialist needs to have a high degree of accuracy in data entry and must use discretion with confidential matters.
  • The Legal Document Specialist communicates with attorneys and vendors to bill and invoice clients in many law firms.

Job Requirements
  1. High school graduate or equivalent AA degree preferred.
  2. Many times the firms want a Legal Document Specialist with experience in legal and document management.
  3. The need for accuracy requires prior experience in administrative support.

In some firms the Legal Document Specialist is the staff who can put that extra professional look to commercial work and legal presentations.

Job Lifestyle

A Legal Document Specialist has the possibility to use his creative skills when developing graphics or preparing power point presentations. The attorney’s presentation is delivered with a polished look of professionalism.

Another fact for the Legal Document Specialist is ''time.'' Most work is limited by time so the luxury of redoing and revamping just isn’t affordable. This is the reason a great deal of accuracy in the work is necessary.

A Legal Document Specialist has a 40 hour work week with flexible hours in most firms and dress is now casual for many employers. The salary is in line with the job requirements balancing the quality requested and how often overtime will be needed. The salary for an experienced Legal Document Specialist ranges from $46K to $68K.

In conclusion, the Legal Document Specialist in the law firm works specifically to assist the lawyers in completing all documents for a wide range of legal issues like divorce, wills, deeds, Affidavits of Death, and property liens. He is in charge of the database of documents and making sure they are accessible to the law firm. There is great demand for accuracy and attention to detail in this job. No degree is required but is preferred and can make one more competitive. The Legal Document Specialist has been around a long time in law firms under the title of ''word processor.''

Find Legal Document Specialist Jobs on LawCrossing.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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