Once you have earned your four-year college degree, hopefully majoring in business or criminal justice, you will want to start taking a close look at law schools. Since you are interested in becoming a family lawyer, you want to make sure that you are only looking at law schools that have a very good reputation for producing excellent family law attorneys. They also need to have the latest and the most comprehensive studies on family law in order to make sure that you are getting the most out of your education. In the end, with your dedication and the help from the right law school, you will be able to be an attorney who can and will outshine the rest. And since it is families that you will be working with, you need to realize that there is a lot on the line.
While attending school to become a lawyer, you want to make sure that you are taking some time out of your very busy schedule to do an internship. Even though this may be a hard thing to squeeze in to your already hectic schedule, it is vital that you make time for this. Check into family lawyers in your area that will allow you to come in as an intern. If you are having a little trouble getting this set up on your own, talk with your counselor at school, as he or she may be able to lead you in the right direction. Getting to work side by side with some of the most outstanding lawyers that practice family law will benefit you tremendously. If you are unable to find an internship position, you could always go for a clerk position, as it is still enough to get you into the office of the lawyer from whom you will learn a lot.
Make sure that you are completing law school with high honors and with as many awards as you can possibly get. High honors and award will help you more than you know when looking for employment as an attorney. When putting your resume together you will want to make sure that you are highlighting all of your accomplishments and the fact that you worked as a clerk or you had an internship under a reputable lawyer. Perfect your resume as much as you can and then once you have passed the bar exam, make sure that you are sending it to all of the reputable law firms in your desired area that focus on family law.
When thinking of all the law firms that you would like to work at as an attorney, make sure that you are not forgetting about the place that you had at your internship. Because of the experience that you have gained there, and the fact that the office already got to know you a little, you may already have a job waiting for you. Once you are employed as an attorney, make sure that you are focusing and working hard on your cases. Get your feet wet as much as possible so that you can truly build up your clientele as a lawyer.
Becoming an attorney is not easy, and you want to make sure that you are given credit where credit is due. Once you have built up a reputation for being a fair and reputable lawyer you may want to consider breaking off on your own. Attorneys that run their own law office make more money than the attorneys working in the law offices of other people. You certainly want to make sure that you truly have enough knowledge and experience as an attorney to do this before acting so that you are making the right move at the right time.