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Mass Tort Litigation Paralegal

published June 09, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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This article talks about the Mass Tort Litigation Paralegal who assists Lawyers in a case that identifies a large number of plaintiffs who were wronged by a business, product or disaster and sues for damages and/or suffering. These are large cases and take a great deal of time and work to pull together. That is why the Mass Tort Litigation Paralegal is so vital to the attorney and firm.
Mass Tort Litigation Paralegal

You have seen the ads on TV from law firms announcing, ''If you’ve taken this drug and experienced these symptoms, call us.'' This is the beginning of the Mass Tort Litigation process and the law firm is putting out a search to find all the people involved with the use of the drug. If a person who has taken the drug hears the TV commercial he/she calls the phone number. The Mass Tort Litigation Paralegal at the firm takes the detailed information over the phone from the caller. The paralegal will do some fact finding by asking questions about circumstances that led the caller to take the drug. Then, the paralegal wants to know reactions or side effects the caller had while taking the drug. The Mass Tort Litigation Paralegal compares the caller’s symptoms or reactions to the list of those known to occur along with taking the drug. The Mass Tort Litigation Paralegal can then determine if the caller was indeed adversely harmed by the drug. When dealing with Mass Tort Litigation the Paralegal must have:
  • Trial preparation experience
  • Skills working with an internal database
  • Organization skills and be extremely detail oriented.
  • Superior time management skills and the ability to work in a team
  • Excellent computer skills
  • Ability to work with large document intensive cases

The Mass Tort Litigation paralegal must work with senior litigators or lawyers on large cases representing numerous injured parties. Sometimes the employers request the paralegal has experience with organizing medical records (electronic and hard copy), also a law firm likes to hire a paralegal with experience in ‘summation’. In addition, the Mass Tort Litigator needs to be an excellent communicator with clients and show he/she is very detailed oriented.

Employers at law firms are looking for a Mass Tort Litigation Paralegal who has a great computer background and able to handle most of the following:
  • Experience with case management
  • Document management
  • Trial software a plus.
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel.

Two to three years experience is required for many of the senior paralegal positions in Mass Tort Litigation. Salaries are dependent on this experience as well where you live, for example salaries for Mass Tort Litigation Paralegals can range from $35K to S100K annually.

In conclusion, a mass tort is a collective group of people who have in someway been wronged by a drug company or a by product they bought. People in these situations are notified they can join in a suit to get remuneration for their injuries, loss of work or pain and suffering. The Mass Tort Litigation Paralegals assist attorneys in collecting the mass list and qualifying candidates. Most paralegals who work in Mass Tort Litigations also spend much of their time preparing to go to litigation. Their responsibilities are always overseen by the attorney.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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