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Choosing a Career as an Adoption Attorney

published April 14, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Attorneys go into different fields of work after receiving their law degree and so much of their work is filled with tension, but being an Adoption Attorney must be one of the more satisfying legal practices. Adoption occurs with many people playing different parts to make it successful. Let's profile an honored Super Attorney to look at her practice which is exclusively in assisted reproduction and adoption law.
Choosing A Career As A Adoption Attorney

Suzzane Born went to Hamline University School of Law which offers a focus on international law. Suzzane has practiced assisted reproduction and adoption law for 28 years. This is a profile of the legal matters Attorney Born handles in her practice:
  • Stepparent, Second Parent and Relative Adoption
  • Open adoptions
  • Gestational Carrier Agreements
  • Paternity and Maternity orders 1

Suzzane Born says as an adoption attorney she has done international adoptions and worked with agencies to complete adoptions. She is also known for doing the first co-parent adoption by a same-sex couple and Attorney Born has drafted comprehensive third-party reproduction agreements. Adoption law has varied aspects for people trying to make a family and Suzzane Born says,

''I understand the stress and anxiety that can accompany efforts to build a family. I put a high priority on personal service and attention, making certain that you always remain informed regarding the status of your case.'' 2

The duties of an Adoption Attorney are many and here is a short review of the more common occupational obligations. It is important for an Adoption Attorney to protect the interests of clients who want to adopt the minor child of a spouse. Adoptions often require an attorney to manage all matters related to direct placements within the US and internationally. The attorney will act as a correspondent between the birth mother's attorney and the adoption agency, prepare documents requested by the court, and serve as an advocate for clients in all courtroom legal appointments.

Salaries and outlook for Adoption Attorneys is very good over the next decade. Salaries can vary based on the attorney's years of experience and the state in which the attorney is licensed to practice law. The salaries range from $72K to $145K according to The outlook for growth is average over the next 10 years. The legal profession is often considered stressful, but of all the different legal fields for attorneys, adoption has the best opportunity to offer satisfying outcomes.

In conclusion, Adoption Attorneys progress through law school to receive a J.D. degree. There are law schools offering a concentration in family law which prepare law students for legal adoption cases. Suzanne Born has practiced as an Adoption Attorney for 28 years and has handled different aspects of family law including adoption and third party reproduction agreements. The salary for Adoption Attorneys is inline with their years of experience. Client needs may also involve international adoptions and require expertise in international law.

  1. Copyright © 2009 by Suzanne Born Assisted Reproduction and Adoption Law.
  2. Copyright © 2009 by Suzanne Born Assisted Reproduction and Adoption Law.

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Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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