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Real Estate Web site Files $900 Million Copyright Suit Over Illegal Use of Subscription

published January 01, 2009

By Author - LawCrossing

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Legal Times reporter Jordan Weissmann likens Dumann's infringement to using a friend's account to sign on to a website instead of paying it's subscription fee. So where does the $900 million come in? By accessing its Web site on the sly, CoStar alleges that Dumann's employees did the equivalent of illegally distributing its content. Therefore, they are asking that Dumann pay $150,000 a pop for every sneaked glance and furtive search on a database.

This suit is the seventh copyright infringement suit CoStar has filed since March, indicating that their new lawyers Shari Lahlou and William Sauers have changed their strategy. Instead of filing typical breach of contract suits whenever it wanted to deal with companies illicitly using their site, this approach appears to be much more aggressive.
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