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The Top 10 Texas Legal Practice Areas

published March 17, 2008

( 343 votes, average: 4.2 out of 5)

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Please note that these popular practice areas depend on numerous variables such as the local economy, new law, and level of enforcement and are always subject to change.

1. Corporate: Texas corporate law generally revolves around bankruptcy and complex employment issues. In addition, as a reaction to the Enron debacle, many Texas attorneys now focus entirely on the compliance and administrative issues that attach to these legal areas. Corporate law is always popular in Dallas and Houston.

2. Energy: With an abundance of oil and gas, energy law seems to always be in vogue in Texas as more and more firms project growth in this area of practice. Litigation is especially on the rise in Dallas and Houston.

3. Real Estate: With a booming population there is constantly work to be done in this dynamic Texas practice area. In particular be prepared to deal with the nexus of all Texas real estate law: construction. Real estate law continues to be on the rise in Dallas, El Paso, and Houston.

4. Intellectual Property: Texas intellectual property law has become increasingly segmented as of late. This means that what is hot in Austin and El Paso (technology/telecommunications) will differ substantially from what is popular in Dallas (telecommunications/trade secrets) and what is in style in Houston (aerospace/tech equipment). Nonetheless, patents, trademarks, and copyrights remain the common denominators in Texas as attorneys continue to find work in these areas statewide.

5. International: Texas's geographic location gives its denizens an opportunity to explore the global legal scene as well. Latin American communities are by far the most represented. International law is heating up in Dallas and Houston.

6. Agricultural: Taking a cue from its cowboy past, Texas has continually been at the forefront of this historic practice area. Most legal work relates to cattle, farming, and Texas's emerging wine industry. Agricultural law is particularly in style in El Paso and San Antonio.

7. Employment: Employment law in Texas is constantly in flux, and firms need attorneys to ensure compliance with new regulations. Practically, when practicing employment law in Texas, be prepared to defend lawsuits, update employee handbooks, and train staff. Employment law is particularly in vogue in Dallas and Houston.

8. Government: Government opportunities continue to appear in Texas. This sector includes specific federal and local administrative laws as well as many local zoning issues. Government law is particularly hot in Austin, El Paso, and San Antonio.

9. Education: Education law in Texas focuses on student rights and privatization. As a caveat, note that this issue tends to be a political favorite and may be subject to local governance. Education law is popular in Austin and Dallas.

10. Healthcare: In Texas, HMO coverage and premium issues dominate the healthcare landscape. Healthcare is most popular in San Antonio.

See current legal opportunities in Dallas location.


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