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Howrey, LLP, welcomes Ethan E. Litwin to its New York office

published April 03, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Howrey, LLP, welcomes Ethan E. Litwin to its New York office
Ethan E. Litwin recently joined Howrey, LLP, in its New York office as a partner in the firm's antitrust group. Litwin regularly assists clients with complex antitrust and litigation issues ranging from worldwide merger-control compliance to regulatory investigations initiated by the Federal Trade Commission, the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, and the European Commission. Litwin was previously with Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett, LLP, where he focused on mergers and acquisitions, antitrust compliance, and complex litigation in the firm's New York and London offices.

Cono Carrano rejoins Howrey, LLP
On March 29, Howrey, LLP, announced that Cono Carrano had rejoined the firm as a partner in its intellectual property practice group. Carrano, who started his IP career at Howrey in 1996, is a registered patent attorney who specializes in complex patent litigation. His litigation experience has primarily involved semiconductor, electronics, software, wireless, and optics technologies, and he has represented clients before the U.S. District Courts, International Trade Commission, and United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Carrano was formerly the co-chair of the IP litigation practice group at Dewey Ballantine.

Gary Torrell joins Valensi Rose, PLC, as a new attorney
Valensi Rose, PLC, an established full-service business law firm in Century City, recently announced the addition of Gary Torrell, who will practice in the areas of corporate law; commercial and business law; mergers and acquisitions; commercial finance and real estate transactions; complex business litigation; and creditors' rights and bankruptcy. Torrell's career spans more than 24 years of solid legal and business experience involving well-known clients, companies, and firms. He spent the first 16 years of his career working in the Los Angeles area with several notable law firms, including Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP, where he was an equity partner, and Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, LLP.

New associate joins team at McKool Smith, PC
Erick S. Robinson recently joined McKool Smith, PC, as an associate in the firm's Dallas office. Robinson handles all aspects of patent and intellectual property litigation, representing both plaintiffs and defendants in federal court, in arbitration, and before the U.S. International Trade Commission. Robinson, who was previously with Polasek, Quisenberry & Errington, LLP, in Houston, represents individuals and small businesses, as well as some of the world's largest semiconductor, software, and biotechnology companies.

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