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Pfizer Inc: Learn About the Pharmaceutical Giant and Available Careers

published March 02, 2023

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Pfizer Inc. is one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies and is known for its dedication to research, innovation and commitment to advancing healthcare. Pfizer Inc. has a strong track record of groundbreaking developments in the areas of oncology, immunology, cardiac care, and vaccines and is a leader in the global pharmaceutical market.

Pfizer Inc. was founded in 1849 in New York City. The company was the first to introduce solid dosage forms for medicines, the first to manufacture penicillin, and the first to produce large-scale supplies of synthetic insulin. Pfizer Inc. has over 100,000 employees worldwide and generated more than $50 billion in revenue in 2017.

The company has a long history of successful collaborations, including with the National Institutes of Health, CVS, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Through these collaborations, Pfizer Inc. has been able to bring innovative drugs and treatments to the public, many of which have addressed serious medical and unmet needs.

Pfizer Inc.'s core areas of focus are cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes and metabolic disease, rare diseases, neuroscience, and immunology. The company also focuses on consumer and animal health, as well as consumer healthcare products.

Pfizer Inc. is committed to delivering value to its shareholders, customers and employees. The company has a robust portfolio of marketed products, a pipeline of promising investigational molecules, and a strong research organization that is constantly looking for new treatments and therapies. Pfizer Inc. is also committed to promoting STEM education and collaborating with universities, government organizations and non-profit organizations on initiatives that will help advance healthcare.

Pfizer Inc. is a leader in the global pharmaceutical market, with a long track record of groundbreaking developments in the areas of oncology, immunology, cardiac care, and vaccines. Founded in 1849 in New York City, the company was the first to introduce solid dosage forms for medicines and the first to produce large-scale supplies of synthetic insulin. Pfizer Inc. has over 100,000 employees and generated more than $50 billion in revenue in 2017. The company has a successful history of collaborations and has brought innovative drugs and treatments to the public through these partnerships. Pfizer Inc. focuses on cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes and metabolic disease, rare diseases, neuroscience, and immunology and is committed to delivering value to its shareholders, customers and employees. The company also advocates for STEM education and has a robust portfolio of marketed products and a pipeline of promising investigational molecules.
Questions Answered In This Article

What type of attorneys does Pfizer typically hire?

Pfizer mainly hires corporate and intellectual property lawyers and firms like Arnold & Porter, Kaye Scholer, and Skadden to handle its outside counsel needs.

What qualifications do patent attorneys need when applying for a job at Pfizer?

Patent attorneys need higher education in organic chemistry and experience with the U.S. Patent Office when applying for a job at Pfizer.

What type of benefits does Pfizer offer its employees?

Pfizer offers comprehensive benefits programs, including full medical, vision, and dental coverage for domestic partners, reimbursement for Pfizer prescription drugs, smoking cessation programs, three weeks of paid vacation, and reimbursements for higher education, jury duty, and military leaves of absence.

What kind of background do attorneys need to be hired by Pfizer?

Attorneys must have graduated from a good law school with a solid academic background and previous experience with a law firm or corporation.

What is Jeffrey Kindler’s salary as Pfizer’s General Counsel?

Jeffrey Kindler’s salary as Pfizer’s General Counsel is nearly $2 million.

Pfizer Inc. - A Leader in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Since its founding in 1849, Pfizer Inc. has been one of the most successful pharmaceutical companies in the world. Headquartered in New York City, the company's products are currently used by more than one-third of the globe's population. In addition to producing a wide variety of popular medications, Pfizer Inc. has become a leader in the field of research and development of new medicines, vaccines, and treatments.

Growth of Pfizer's Business

Since its inception, Pfizer Inc. has experienced significant expansion, including the acquisition of many other drug and biotechnology companies. In 2002, the company had a major breakthrough in the form of the FDA's approval of Viagra, the first successful treatment for impotence. This was soon followed by the launch of other popular treatments, such as Celebrex and Lyrica.

Pfizer's Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pfizer Inc. has had a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry and on the lives of countless people around the world. As one of the world's largest research-based pharmaceutical companies, it has been at the forefront of the development and launch of innovative medicine. This has enabled Pfizer to establish itself as an industry leader, while also contributing to the wellbeing of millions of people by providing them with access to medicines that have improved their lives.

Pfizer's Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

In addition to its commitment to research and development of new treatments, Pfizer Inc. is also deeply dedicated to corporate social responsibility. The company has invested heavily in various charities and philanthropic programs, such as the Pfizer Foundation, which supports global health initiatives. Pfizer also conducts humanitarian and environmental activities in many countries throughout the world, such as the donation of medical supplies to those in need.

The world's largest pharmaceutical company began modestly by providing tartaric and citric acid out of a single Brooklyn building. Pfizer now produces some of the world's most popular drugs including Celebrex®, Viagra®, and Lipitor®. Pfizer's current dominance in the pharmaceutical industry was sealed in the late 1920s with its decision to help Alexander Fleming fund his research on some mold juice, later known to the world as Penicillin. In order to protect its lucrative research and its annual revenue of $32 billion, Pfizer hires some of the best legal talent and relies on 330 in-house lawyers for corporate and intellectual property expertise.

With an impressive resume that includes a clerkship with U.S. Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. and a partnership at Williams and Connelly, Jeffrey Kindler serves as Pfizer's Senior Vice President and General Counsel. In addition to handling the operations of its in-house lawyers sprinkled all over the world, Kindler is also responsible for hiring firms like Arnold & Porter, Kaye Scholer, and Skadden to handle its outside counsel needs. Recently, Pfizer has won two major legal battles, including dismissals of a patent infringement lawsuit regarding COX-2 inhibitors and a lawsuit alleging the possible suicidal effects of the antidepressant Zoloft®.

Well-known for being a conservative company, Pfizer keeps its workplaces structured, and most employees prefer it that way. Pfizer is often named as one of the "100 Best Companies to Work for in America" by Fortune and as one of the "100 Best Companies for Working Mothers" by Working Mother magazine. Additionally, the corporation provides many international opportunities for attorneys with offices in places like Hong Kong and Denmark.

Pfizer is constantly looking for corporate and intellectual property lawyers, but competition for a position is still high. The corporation mainly favors graduates from good law schools with strong academic backgrounds. Most positions also require previous experience with either a law firm or corporation. Positions for patent attorneys demand the greatest requirements, including higher education in organic chemistry and experience with the U.S. Patent Office.

Although Jeffrey Kindler's salary is near $2 million, most attorneys are paid in the competitive corporate range. But Pfizer proves there are more ways to compensate its employees than with salaries. Perhaps in an effort to fulfill the company line of providing "longer, healthier, happier lives," Pfizer strives to provide one of the most comprehensive benefits programs. In-house attorneys and the other 30,000 U.S. employees of the corporation enjoy full medical, vision, and dental coverage for domestic partners as well as reimbursement for Pfizer prescription drugs and smoking cessation programs. In addition to health care, new employees start off with 3 weeks of paid vacation and are further compensated for higher education, jury duty and military leaves of absences.


Pfizer currently has several openings in its Ann Arbor, Cleveland, Denmark, New Jersey, and New York offices including opportunities for experienced corporate associates and patent counsels. More information regarding attorney positions at Pfizer can be found in the
LawCrossing job database.
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