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Helping students find legal jobs : Public Service Law Network earlier knowns as Pro Bono Students America

published September 26, 2005

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Pro Bono Students America (PBSA), now known as Public Service Law Network (PSLawNet), is an organization whose purpose is to help law school students find paid and unpaid positions in public interest groups, law firms with pro bono practices, governmental agencies, etc., where they can develop a wide array of marketable legal skills.

The organization is subscribed to by 150 law schools across the United States. As a result, law school students can use its online database to search for opportunities, at various locations around the world, based on criteria that they provide. In addition, PSLawNet provides information on public interest events and job fairs, hosts panels and programs on public issues, publishes information on postgraduate fellowships in its annual edition of The Comprehensive Fellowship Guide - The Ultimate Resource for Lawyers and Law Students, and presents awards to nominated students who provide exemplary pro bono service.

The type of work that law school students will find depends largely on what organizations or agencies they volunteers at. Examples of assignments include research, attending administrative hearings, and drafting complaints. In the case of student fellowships, grants are given to students who have designed pro bono projects for the specific public interest program they wish to volunteer for. Fellowships give students the chance to solve specific legal problems in their communities, experience working as a public interest lawyer, and more opportunities to mentor others than most law firms will allow. The types of fellowships that can be found through PSLawNet include project-based and entrepreneurial fellowships, organization-based fellowships, policy fellowships, and research fellowships.

The experience gained through public service gives law school students an opportunity to use their knowledge to assist their communities to deal with unmet needs. This experience is often extremely varied because most public interest groups will assign students to different tasks. However, fellowships are also important because they provide more depth to a particular field. This is advantageous because students will get a better idea of what the field they selected for their project entails. According to the PSLawNet website, it is recommended that students dedicate at least 50 hours per placement, but some students might find themselves in positions that require investing more than the suggested amount. Regardless of whether or not students elect to undertake fellowships or regular volunteer positions, employers will like the idea that their potential employees already have experience and/or a broad range of skills.

The PSLawNet database contains more than 12,000 organizations, which are updated twice a year based on feedback received from participating students and from program administrators of each organization. Information on opportunities offered and how to search for public interest positions through PSLawNet can be found at
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