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Jessica Schmeidler - Freelance Virtual Paralegal

published March 16, 2011

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It's not too often you find someone who is both enviously knowledgeable on the literary greats, including Edgar Allan Poe and William Shakespeare and who can also give sound advice on everything from the importance of a will to the intricacies of the paralegal profession. Jessica Schmeidler is one of those people, though. This Midwestern native has an impressive clientele that includes attorneys around the country who have come to rely on her for all their paralegal needs. She has long since proven that virtual paralegals exist in a win-win environment that never jeopardizes the ever-important confidentiality issues many law firms are concerned with. Even those who approached her with administrative tasks have learned that her experience can be extended into other areas of their practice.

In the course of her days, she works with her clients on everything from billing issues to administrative support to legal matters. Not only that, but she maintains an impressive blog that brings in ever increasing numbers of readers each month. Taking the time to know the needs of her clients gives her an edge, and her easy personality and agreeable nature makes her a pleasure to work with according to her many clients.

Jessica attended Fort Hays State University in Indiana, where she double-majored. She graduated in 2007 with a degree in English and Political Science (pre-law). From there, she attended Boston University and majored in Paralegal Studies and she's currently attending Boston Institute of Finance, now focusing on financial planning and investments. She represents that total package that brings it all to the table and clients are noticing.

When Jessica's not focusing on the legal issues, she also finds time to take freelance writing jobs. While the literary side of her enjoys this aspect of her work, it's the legal sector she's truly drawn to. She serves as an example to paralegals everywhere that sometimes the dream career is just a matter of defining it – and then running with it. She's well on her way to becoming the model others use as they begin to recognize the possibilities the paralegal profession now offers.

Jessica lives in the midwest U.S. with her husband. For more information on Jessica Schmeidler, visit her website at or her blog at

published March 16, 2011

( 34 votes, average: 4 out of 5)
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