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Legal Controversy Erupts as Massachusetts Judge Dismisses Lawsuits Against Harvard

published February 14, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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Legal Controversy Erupts as Massachusetts Judge Dismisses Lawsuits Against Harvard

In a recent decision that has sparked considerable debate, Suffolk County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Salinger in Boston dismissed 12 lawsuits against Harvard University. These lawsuits, brought forth by grieving families, alleged the mishandling of their loved ones' bodies, which were donated to Harvard's medical school and subsequently sold on the black market by Cedric Lodge, the former manager of its morgue.

 Judge's Ruling
Judge Salinger's ruling hinged on the assertion that the lawsuits failed to adequately demonstrate Harvard Medical School's (HMS) involvement in bad faith or legal responsibility for Lodge's purported misconduct. Despite claims of negligence directed at Harvard, the judge determined that the institution was shielded by broad immunity from liability as long as it demonstrated a good faith effort to adhere to the state's Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, which governs the donation of bodies for research and education.
 Disappointment and Intentions to Appeal
The dismissal not only absolved Harvard but also cleared two employees associated with the anatomical gift program, Mark Cicchetti and Tracey Fay. This decision left the families and their legal representatives, such as Kathryn Barnett of Morgan & Morgan, disheartened, with plans to appeal. Barnett stressed the families' longing for their grievances to receive judicial consideration, highlighting the emotional toll inflicted by the situation.
 Unveiling Criminal Allegations
These lawsuits were initiated following federal charges filed against Lodge and five others for the trafficking of human remains stolen from Harvard Medical School and an Arkansas mortuary. Lodge, who managed the morgue between 2018 and 2022, allegedly facilitated access for potential buyers to cadavers, enabling them to select and purchase body parts. Subsequently, these parts were resold, with Lodge and his spouse reportedly involved in the transportation and sale of stolen remains from their residence in New Hampshire.
 Pending Legal Proceedings
Despite pleading not guilty to charges of conspiracy and interstate transport of stolen goods, Lodge and his co-defendants are scheduled to face trial in federal court in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, commencing on August 5th. The legal saga surrounding the mishandling of donated bodies underscores the intricate ethical dilemmas inherent in medical research and the handling of human remains.
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