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State Bar of California Considers Trim in Bar Exam Locations to Manage Finances

published January 17, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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State Bar of California Considers Trim in Bar Exam Locations to Manage Finances

To navigate financial challenges, the State Bar of California is contemplating a proposal to reduce the number of testing locations for its upcoming July bar exam. The plan, subject to a vote by state bar trustees, seeks to streamline the current seven testing sites to a more economical four or five, with potential exclusions in Sacramento and Santa Clara. Concurrently, active efforts are to secure a viable test site in San Diego.

 Legal Community Voices Concerns
The proposed alterations have triggered concerns within the legal community, especially in regions without convenient testing locations. Michael Hunter Schwartz, the dean of the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law, has expressed reservations regarding potential disadvantages for law examinees. Notably, McGeorge is the sole American Bar Association-accredited law school in Sacramento. Schwartz points to potential bias towards wealthier bar takers who can afford local accommodations, providing them with a competitive edge in exam preparation.
 Equity Concerns and Countering Arguments
Schwartz questions the State Bar's commitment to equity, suggesting that the proposed plan may inadvertently favor those with financial means. In response, a spokesperson for the state bar refers to an August memo acknowledging that the reduction in exam sites would shift some costs to examinees. The memo emphasizes the necessity of these changes to address "very real budget difficulties" faced by the State Bar of California.
 Financial Implications and Cost-Cutting Measures
An internal memo reviewed by Reuters outlines that the projected reduction in testing sites could result in a cost reduction of $354,141 from the total $4.5 million in expenses associated with administering the July bar exam. The State Bar has grappled with financial challenges, forecasting a nearly $8 million deficit in its admissions fund for 2024. To offset this, the bar implemented admissions fee increases in September, anticipating an additional annual revenue of $7.5 million.
 Recent Fee Hikes and Bar Exam Expenses
One notable increase includes a 26% surge in the cost of taking the bar exam, escalating from $830 to $1,003 for law graduates in February. California, home to the nation's second-largest number of bar takers, surpassed only by New York, witnessed nearly 8,000 individuals participating in the July 2023 exam, with 4,125 taking the most recent February test.
 Past Reductions and Future Exam Sites
In anticipation of the upcoming February exam, the State Bar of California had previously reduced the number of exam locations from five to three, omitting sites in San Diego and Sacramento. The plan envisions large testing sites in Pasadena, Ontario, Anaheim in Southern California, and San Francisco in the northern region if approved. Efforts are underway to secure a large site in San Diego, potentially at the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista or a casino in Temecula.
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