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Kellye Testy: Transitioning to Leadership at the Association of American Law Schools

published January 17, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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Transitioning to Leadership at the Association of American Law Schools

LSAC President's Shift to AALS Executive Director

Kellye Testy, the current President and CEO of the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), is poised to ascend to Executive Director and CEO of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) effective July 1. This transition marks the retirement of Judy Areen, the current leader of AALS.
 Shaping the Future: A Legacy of Collaboration and Innovation
A profound collaboration with AALS has characterized Kellye Testy's impactful seven-year tenure at LSAC. The two organizations engaged in joint initiatives, delving into research projects addressing prospective law students' evolving needs and expectations. This collaboration extended to areas such as professional development and support for law school deans. Testy's commitment to innovation and excellence within the legal academy is evident in this collaborative approach, as highlighted in a press release on January 11.
 AALS Welcomes Testy: Excitement Over Collaborative Leadership
Mark Alexander, the 2023 AALS President and Dean of the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law, expressed enthusiasm about Testy's transition. Alexander emphasized Testy's renowned collaborative leadership style and her commitment to innovation and excellence across the legal academy. The press release resonates with anticipation as AALS eagerly welcomes Testy's talents.
 Anticipating a Seamless Transition
The announcement underscores the anticipation of a seamless transition in July, attributing this confidence to the long-standing collaboration between LSAC and AALS. Kellye Testy acknowledged the historical strengths of both organizations, instilling confidence in stakeholders regarding their ability to navigate this leadership change successfully.
 Leadership in Challenging Times
Kellye Testy's leadership at LSAC during the tumultuous era of the COVID-19 pandemic stands out prominently. Guiding the organization through the crisis, she implemented crucial changes such as the shift to online testing. The innovative measures introduced under her leadership continue to shape LSAC's operations today. Her resilience and leadership during these challenging times earned her the esteemed recognition as an ABA Journal Legal Rebel in 2022.
 A Storied Career: Testy's Journey to Leadership
Before her role at LSAC, Kellye Testy served as the President of a nonprofit association comprising 176 members and 18 fee-paid law schools in 2016. Her involvement extended to key positions within AALS, including membership in the Executive Committee and the Committee on Recruitment and Retention of Minority Law Teachers and Students.
Before her venture into legal education administration, Testy was the Dean and Professor at the University of Washington School of Law and the Seattle University School of Law. Her focus on business and corporate law was distinguished by a commitment to equity, bringing a unique perspective to her academic and administrative roles.
As Kellye Testy embarks on her journey to lead AALS into its next chapter, her proven track record of collaboration, innovation, and unwavering commitment to the legal community foretells a promising era for the Association of American Law Schools.
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