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Rutgers University Student Faces Expulsion Amidst Doxxing Allegations

published January 09, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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Rutgers University Student Faces Expulsion Amidst Doxxing Allegations

Unraveling the Legal Battle

In a brewing legal controversy, Yoel Ackerman, a first-year law student at Rutgers University, asserts that he is unjustly on the brink of expulsion. The allegations revolve around Ackerman supposedly "doxxing" fellow students endorsing a video that denied atrocities on October 7. Ackerman claims the university is retaliating against him, neglecting to address those who allegedly spread Hamas propaganda and bullied him after a terror attack on Israel.
Facing Disciplinary Action
Allegations and Retaliation
Ackerman's disciplinary troubles stem from sharing messages with the Jewish Law School Association (JLSA), including names and photographs. The shared content includes a video downplaying reported violence against Israelis. An unnamed person's email to law school administrators triggered charges of defamation and disorderly conduct against Ackerman.
Campus Turmoil
Impeachment and Accusations
The Student Bar Association aimed to impeach Ackerman. Accused students argue that he "doxed" them, labeling them as "Hamas supporters." Ackerman defends his actions, stating he shared the video with JLSA to shield fellow Jewish students from perceived harassment and discriminatory conduct.
Battling Antisemitism
Antisemitism on Campus
Ackerman's legal team contends that Rutgers has long been a hotbed for antisemitism. Instances include Professor Sahar Aziz's alleged social media post seemingly justifying the Hamas attack on Israel, contributing to the hostile atmosphere.
University's Stand
University's Response
Rutgers University responded, indicating it typically refrains from discussing pending litigation but takes bias claims seriously. The university asserts its commitment to investigating and addressing claims of antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other biases.
A Legal Perspective
Legal Team's Perspective
David Mazie, Ackerman's lawyer, expresses concern about the university's actions. He questions the rationale behind prosecuting a student who claims to have been bullied, emphasizing the challenging reality for Jewish students at Rutgers.
Beyond the Lawsuit
Other Instances of Antisemitism
The lawsuit exposes additional instances of antisemitism on campus. Professor Michael Chikindas faces accusations of posting antisemitic content on social media, raising questions about the university's handling of such cases.
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