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Lawsuit Alleges Antisemitism at the University of Pennsylvania Amid Israel-Hamas Conflict

published December 07, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing

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Lawsuit Alleges Antisemitism at the University of Pennsylvania Amid Israel-Hamas Conflict

In a recent development, the University of Pennsylvania finds itself entangled in a legal battle as two students, Eyal Yakoby and Jordan Davis, file a lawsuit alleging a pervasive atmosphere of antisemitism on campus. According to the complaint, this disturbing environment existed even before the outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas on October 7. Penn now joins the ranks of New York University and the University of California, Berkeley, as the third major U.S. college facing legal action over claims of inadequately protecting Jewish students during protests related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

 Allegations of Selective Enforcement and Antisemitic Professors
The lawsuit contends that the university selectively enforces its rules of conduct, failing to shield Jewish students from harassment and hatred. Furthermore, it accuses Penn of employing professors with openly antisemitic views, promoting anti-Jewish violence, and disseminating terrorist propaganda. The complaint argues that the university has turned a blind eye to pleas for protection from Jewish students, placing them and their Israeli counterparts at significant emotional and physical risk.
 Legal Action under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
The students have chosen to pursue legal action under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin. The complaint, crafted by Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP, calls for the termination of faculty and administrators deemed responsible for fostering antisemitic abuse within the institution. Additionally, it seeks the suspension or expulsion of students engaging in such conduct.
 Penn President's Testimony and Pledges
The lawsuit comes on the heels of Penn President Liz Magill's testimony on Capitol Hill during a congressional hearing focused on campus antisemitism. Magill emphasized the university's commitment to academic freedom and the free exchange of ideas, vowing to uphold free speech while ensuring the safety of students. She acknowledged the right to peaceful protest but asserted a zero-tolerance policy for violence or speech intending to incite it.
 Campus Controversy and Calls for Resignation
Penn's controversy escalated when it hosted the Palestine Writes Literature Festival in September, drawing criticism and calls for action. Notably, alumnus Marc Rowan, CEO of Apollo Global Management Inc., urged donors to withhold support until Magill and Scott Bok, chair of the board of trustees, resign. Rowan expressed concerns about an underlying culture allowing antisemitism to persist on campus.
The University of Pennsylvania faces scrutiny over its handling of allegations of antisemitism. The lawsuit raises questions about the balance between protecting free expression and ensuring the safety of students, contributing to a broader conversation about the challenges universities face in navigating complex geopolitical issues on campus.
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