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DePaul University College of Law Dean to Lead ABA Legal Education

published December 01, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing

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DePaul University College of Law Dean to Lead ABA Legal Education

Historic Appointment at the ABA

In a groundbreaking move, Jennifer L. Rosato Perea, the current dean of DePaul University's College of Law, is set to become the managing director for accreditation and legal education at the American Bar Association (ABA). Effective June 1, Rosato Perea will step into the role, succeeding Bill Adams. This historic appointment makes her the first woman and Latina to head ABA legal education, overseeing crucial aspects such as the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar and a program approving paralegal programs.
 A Career Dedicated to Legal Education
With an illustrious career spanning over 30 years, Rosato Perea has consistently worked towards enhancing legal education. Her expertise in family law, bioethics, and legal ethics positions her as a seasoned professional. After graduating from Cornell University with an undergraduate degree and obtaining her JD from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, she brings a wealth of experience to her new role.
 A Vision for the Future
Expressing her enthusiasm for the upcoming challenge, Rosato Perea emphasized her commitment to the values of student success, community, and a proactive approach to addressing legal education needs. "The focus on student success, the value of community, and the importance of always asking ‘what must be done’ will guide me in my new role," she stated in a Nov. 29 ABA press release.
 Endorsement and Selection Process
Leo Martinez, a professor at the University of California College of the Law in San Francisco, chaired the nine-member search committee responsible for selecting the new managing director. Highlighting Rosato Perea's impressive track record, Martinez remarked, "Her decanal chops are without question, and we are thrilled that someone of her accomplishment and experience will be the new managing director." The selection process involved a thorough evaluation by the search committee, which presented three names to the council, ultimately leading to Rosato Perea's appointment.
 Successor to Adams
Bill Adams, managing director since 2020, navigated the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which prompted many law schools to transition to online learning. Adams played a crucial role in steering the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar during this period, and he announced his intention to retire in July.
This transition marks a significant moment in the leadership of ABA legal education, with Rosato Perea poised to bring her extensive experience and vision to guide the future of legal education in the United States.
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