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Unveiling the Expertise: Eric Robinson Talks E-Discovery, Data Governance, and Beyond at KLDiscovery

published November 22, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing

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Unveiling the Expertise: Eric Robinson Talks E-Discovery, Data Governance, and Beyond at KLDiscovery

A Dive into Professional Background

In a recent discussion, Ari Kaplan engaged in a comprehensive conversation with Eric Robinson, the Vice President of Global Advisory Services and Strategic Client Solutions at KLDiscovery, a prominent software company. With a career spanning the legal and data management sectors, Robinson delved into his vast experience in litigation management, e-discovery, and data governance.
 Understanding Robinson's Role
Robinson's career, which includes stints in corporate legal law firms and a substantial 16-year tenure at KLDiscovery, uniquely positions him to adopt a consultative strategic approach to client service. His team specializes in assisting clients with challenges in e-discovery, information governance, incident response, forensic consulting, and tailoring custom client solutions.
 Navigating Client Queries
Delving into the most common client inquiries, Robinson highlighted a shift towards data management, information governance, compliance, and incident response matters. With a growing demand for expert services and testimony, KLDiscovery empowers clients to independently conduct defensible data collections within evolving environments, including Microsoft Teams and Google Workplace.
 Nebula Platform: A Key Player in the Ecosystem
Robinson showed how KLDiscovery's Nebula platform seamlessly integrates into their services. The platform, acting as an ecosystem, facilitates end-to-end data management, from preservation to production. Nebula's intuitive review tool is pivotal in early data assessment, ensuring clients comprehend their data efficiently and defensibly.
 Convergence of E-Discovery, Compliance, Data Privacy, and Cybersecurity
Intriguingly, Robinson explored the intersection of e-discovery, compliance, data privacy, and cybersecurity. He emphasized the interconnectedness of these disciplines within organizations, underscoring the modern challenges where legal teams must consider e-discovery alongside data privacy and compliance.
 The AI Influence
Robinson noted the significant impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on their operations. AI permeates daily tasks, from chatbots to natural language processing in e-discovery. Organizations leverage AI to manage privacy and compliance programs, enhance contract understanding, and fortify cybersecurity efforts.
 Information Governance as a Risk Mitigator
According to Robinson, adequate information and data governance programs are crucial in mitigating risks. Apparent retention and disposition policies streamline the discovery process, offering organizations greater insight into their data portfolio and reducing associated risks.
 The Evolution of E-Discovery
The conversation concluded with Robinson addressing the elephant in the room – the impact of AI on e-discovery. He anticipates increased usage of AI and advanced analytics tools in interpreting data during the early stages of a matter. AI's role in document review is expected to create efficiencies, presenting opportunities for professionals to develop new skills aligned with AI practices.
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