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ABA Considers Accreditation for Fully Online Law Schools

published November 22, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing

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ABA Considers Accreditation for Fully Online Law Schools

In a ground breaking development, the American Bar Association (ABA) is contemplating a significant shift in its accreditation policies, potentially extending approval to fully online law schools. This move departs from the ABA's longstanding emphasis on in-person legal education. The Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admission to the Bar, an essential decision-making body within the ABA, recently voted to initiate the process of soliciting public feedback on proposed changes to its accreditation standards. These changes aim to allow new and existing law schools without physical campuses to seek accreditation.

 Current Eligibility Criteria and Proposed Changes
Presently, only law schools with brick-and-mortar locations qualify for ABA accreditation. While some traditional institutions with physical campuses have been permitted to offer entirely or predominantly online Juris Doctor (J.D.) programs, purely online law schools are not eligible for the prestigious ABA accreditation. The proposed alterations to the accreditation standards reflect a willingness to adapt to the evolving landscape of legal education.
 Potential Impact on Cost and Accessibility
Daniel Thies, the ABA Council's Strategic Review Committee chairperson, emphasized the potential cost benefits of accrediting online law schools. He pointed out that ABA-accredited law schools offering online J.D. programs generally maintain uniform tuition fees for both online and residential students. This sees this move as a positive step that could contribute to reducing the overall cost of legal education.
 Broader Recognition and Bar Exam Eligibility
Accreditation by the ABA would hold significant advantages for existing online law schools, as their graduates would gain the opportunity to sit for the bar exam in any state. Only California permits non-ABA accredited law school graduates to take the bar exam. This recognition could enhance the standing of online law schools in the legal community.
 Potential Opposition and Shifting Perceptions
While Daniel Thies acknowledged that some traditional law schools might resist this change due to concerns about increased competition, he also highlighted the diminishing perception that distance education is lower quality than in-person teaching. According to several ABA council members, the rapid adoption of online education during the COVID-19 pandemic has played a pivotal role in reshaping these perceptions.
 Existing Online Law Schools and Tuition Comparison
Purdue Global Law School, founded in 1998 as the Concord Law School and acquired by Purdue in 2017, is the oldest online law school. Notably, there are other fully online law schools scattered across the country. Annual tuition for Purdue's part-time online J.D. program is approximately $13,500. The ABA-accredited Southwestern Law School's new fully online J.D. program charges the same tuition as its residential program — $38,944 for part-time students.
Expressing optimism about the potential shift, Purdue Law Dean Martin Pritikin remarked, "I am very happy to see that the ABA is finally considering moving in this direction. Virtually every other field of higher education has been quicker to embrace online learning."
As the ABA opens the discussion for public input, the legal education landscape stands on the brink of a transformative change that could enhance accessibility and affordability for aspiring legal professionals.
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