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Mike McKool, Co-founder of McKool Smith, Departs the Renowned Law Firm for an Undisclosed Client

published May 22, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing

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Mike McKool, Co-founder of McKool Smith, Departs the Renowned Law Firm for an Undisclosed Client

Mike McKool, the co-founder of McKool Smith, has announced his departure from the renowned national trial law firm to represent a new client whose identity remains undisclosed. McKool, 73, expressed his eagerness to seize the opportunity, stating, "At my age, how many great cases am I going to be offered? It was so compelling that it was hard to turn my back on."

Initially, Dallas-based McKool Smith attempted to handle the new case. However, they discovered potential conflicts with existing clients, leading David Sochia, the firm's managing principal and chairman, to confirm that McKool decided to part ways with the firm and take on the case personally. Neither McKool nor Sochia provided any information regarding the client or the nature of the legal issues involved.

Established in 1991, McKool Smith, co-founded by McKool himself, has grown to include 130 lawyers across various locations, including Austin, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Marshall, New York, and Washington, D.C. The firm specializes in handling diverse litigation matters, particularly gaining recognition for its expertise in patent cases. McKool Smith's attorneys recently achieved a significant victory, securing a $303 million jury verdict for Netlist Inc. This computer-memory company accused Samsung Electronics Co of patent infringement in data-processing technology.

Throughout his tenure at the firm, McKool has represented notable clients such as music producer Quincy Jones, Freddie Mac, Ericsson, and Lockheed Martin.
Despite McKool's departure, McKool Smith will retain its name, emphasizing that the firm is more significant than any individual, as stated by Sochia.

After completing the client matter, McKool expressed the potential for rejoining McKool Smith, clarifying that he does not intend to compete with his former firm.
In 2021, McKool concluded his term as chairman of the firm. During the same year, he transitioned from a shareholder to an emeritus shareholder and established Outlander Capital, a private equity company, according to Sophia.
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