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California's February Attorney Licensing Exam Sees A 32.5% Pass Rate, Impacted By Covid-19 Pandemic

published May 09, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing
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California's February Attorney Licensing Exam Sees A 32.5% Pass Rate, Impacted By Covid-19 Pandemic

Less Than A Third Of Examinees Pass California's February Attorney Licensing Test.

The attorney licensing test held in California during February saw less than a third of examinees pass, with an overall pass rate of 32.5%. This slightly decreased from the 34% pass rate in February 2022. The State Bar of California, which had the highest number of examinees at 3,765, announced this on Friday. Experts cite the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on law schools as a reason for the declining pass rates, as many examinees were in their first year of law school when the pandemic forced classes to go online. This trend of pass rate declines in February is observed in several jurisdictions.
Covid-19 Pandemic Cited As The Reason For Declining Pass Rates On California's February Attorney Licensing Exam.

While California's overall pass rate for the February bar exam declined by 1.4 percentage points to 32.5%, it is noteworthy that the decline is smaller than other large bar exam states. New York's overall pass rate dropped from 45% in 2022 to 40% this year, Florida's pass rate also decreased by five percentage points to 39%, and Texas saw a decline from 51% in 2022 to 45% in 2023.

Repeat Examinees Account For 71% Of Total Examinees In California's February Attorney Licensing Exam.

Most jurisdictions have reported their February results and recorded pass rate declines. California had a high proportion of repeat examinees, accounting for 71% of the total examinees in February. Among the remaining 29% who took the bar exam for the first time, the pass rate was 45%.

This is the second consecutive year of February declines in California, but the overall pass rate of 2023 is still almost six percentage points higher than the 2020s 27% February pass rate. However, the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on law schools and students is considered to be a factor in the declining pass rates observed in various jurisdictions.

published May 09, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing
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