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Don't Panic! What To Do If You Don't Land a First-Year Summer Legal Internship

published June 10, 2024

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Finding yourself without a first-year summer legal internship can be daunting, but it’s far from the end of the world. Law firms value constructive and creative summer experiences, so there are plenty of opportunities to build your skills and enhance your resume. This article will guide you through various alternatives to traditional legal internships, providing actionable advice and hope for a productive summer.


Tie Your Summer Work Experience to Your Previous Background or Areas of Interest


One of the best strategies is to leverage your previous experience or areas of interest in law. Here’s how:


Examples of Alternative Summer Job Opportunities for Law Students


Accounting Background:

  • Opportunity: Intern at the Treasury Department in the Government Affairs office.
  • Benefit: Gain experience in tax law, beneficial for a future career in tax law.

Interest in Environmental Law:

  • Opportunity: Intern at an environmental organization.
  • Benefit: Learn about environmental law and its applications.

These opportunities allow you to gain valuable experience, even if it's not through a traditional legal internship.


Go to Summer School


While summer school may not sound exciting, it offers numerous benefits:


Key Considerations

  • Check Availability: Ensure your law school offers summer programs.

  • Research Programs: Find programs that align with your needs and interests.

  • Budgeting: Factor in the cost of tuition and other expenses.


Benefits of Summer School

  • Lighten Second-Year Workload: Taking classes in the summer can reduce your workload during the academic year.

  • Improve GPA: Summer courses can help boost your grades.

  • Gain Legal Experience: Some programs offer courses that provide practical legal skills.


Work in Politics


Working in politics, especially during an election year, can be incredibly rewarding:


Benefits of Political Work

  • Understand the Political Process: Learn about campaigns and political strategies.

  • Build Connections: Meet influential people and expand your network.

  • Discover Political Interests: Determine if you have a passion for politics.


Steps to Get Involved

  • Volunteer for a Campaign: Offer your time to local or national campaigns.

  • Intern with a Political Office: Seek internships with legislators or political organizations.

  • Network with Political Professionals: Attend political events and network with professionals.


Learn or Improve New Language Skills


In today’s global economy, multilingualism is a significant asset:


Methods to Improve Language Skills

  • Enroll in a Class: Take language courses at a local institution or online.

  • Hire a Tutor: Personalized instruction can accelerate your learning.

  • Self-Study: Utilize books, apps, and online resources.


Key Tips for Language Learning

  • Read Regularly: Consume books, articles, and other materials in your target language.

  • Listen Often: Listen to native speakers through podcasts, music, or conversations.

  • Practice Writing: Write essays, journal entries, or letters in the new language.

  • Use Technology: Leverage apps and websites designed for language learning.


Be Patient: Progress takes time, so stay consistent and don’t get discouraged.


Internship in a Corporate Legal Department


Finding an internship in a corporate legal department can be challenging but rewarding:


How to Secure a Corporate Legal Internship

  • Network: Use your connections to find opportunities.

  • Apply Broadly: Don’t limit yourself to one company; apply to multiple positions.

  • Highlight Relevant Experience: Tailor your resume and cover letter to emphasize relevant skills.


Benefits of Corporate Legal Internships

  • Gain Practical Experience: Work on real cases and projects.

  • Understand Corporate Law: Learn the ins and outs of corporate legal work.

  • Build a Professional Network: Connect with legal professionals in the corporate sector.




Volunteering is a fantastic way to gain experience and give back to the community:


Volunteer Opportunities for Law Students

  • Legal Aid Society: Provide legal assistance to those in need.

  • United Way: Support various community programs.

  • Hospices and Soup Kitchens: Offer your time and skills to help vulnerable populations.


Benefits of Volunteering

  • Gain Legal Experience: Apply your legal knowledge in real-world situations.

  • Make a Difference: Contribute to meaningful causes.

  • Build Skills: Develop communication, problem-solving, and legal skills.




There are numerous ways to make your summer productive and beneficial for your future legal career. Whether through summer school, political work, language learning, corporate internships, or volunteering, each opportunity provides unique experiences and skills that law firms value. Embrace these alternatives and turn your summer into an educational and growth-filled period.


Remember, your first-year summer is just the beginning of your legal journey. Use this time to explore, learn, and build a foundation for a successful legal career.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: Is it common not to land a first-year summer legal internship?


Yes, it is quite common. Many law students do not secure a legal internship during their first summer. The job market is competitive, and there are limited positions available. You are not alone, and many successful lawyers did not have a legal internship after their first year.


Q: What should I do if I don’t get a first-year summer legal internship?


There are several productive ways to spend your summer. You can pursue alternative internships in related fields such as corporate, non-profit, or government sectors. Volunteering for legal aid organizations, non-profits, or community service projects is another great option. Working a non-legal job can also be beneficial, as skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving are transferable. Taking summer classes to get ahead in your studies or to explore subjects that interest you is another possibility. Lastly, you can develop legal skills independently by working on writing, research, or taking online courses relevant to law.


Q: How can I find alternative internships?


You can utilize your university's career services to find non-traditional internships. Networking with alumni, professors, and professionals in your network can also help; informational interviews can open doors. Additionally, checking general job boards and those specific to your interest areas may lead to opportunities.


Q: Is volunteering a good option?


Yes, volunteering is a great option. It can help you gain relevant experience, demonstrate your commitment to the legal field, and expand your professional network. Many organizations welcome volunteers, especially during the summer.


Q: What non-legal jobs are beneficial?


Non-legal jobs that develop skills in research, writing, communication, project management, or client interaction can be particularly beneficial. Positions in business, government, or non-profits can help you develop these skills.


Q: Should I take summer classes?


Taking summer classes is a great way to stay productive. You can lighten your course load for future semesters, focus on challenging subjects, or explore areas of law that interest you.


Q: How can I develop legal skills on my own?


You can take online courses on platforms like Coursera, edX, or LinkedIn Learning, which offer courses in legal writing, research, and other relevant skills. Reading legal books, journals, and articles can deepen your understanding of the field. Starting a legal blog or writing articles on legal topics can help you practice your writing skills.


Q: What should I tell potential employers about my summer?


Be honest and positive. Emphasize the skills and experiences you gained, whether through work, volunteering, or self-study. Highlight your proactive approach and commitment to the field.


Q: How can I improve my chances for next summer?


To improve your chances for next summer, focus on getting good grades, as academic performance can be crucial. Build relationships by networking with professors, peers, and professionals. Gain experience by looking for part-time or volunteer opportunities during the school year. Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences related to law for professional development.


Q: Should I be worried about not getting a first-year legal internship?


No, you should not be worried. It is not the end of the world. Many students who do not land a first-year internship still have successful legal careers. Focus on gaining relevant skills and experience in any way you can, and stay positive. Your proactive attitude will pay off in the long run.


Q: Where can I seek additional advice and support?


You can seek additional advice and support from your law school’s career services office, which is a great resource. Professors and academic advisors can also offer valuable guidance. Joining student chapters of professional organizations like the American Bar Association can provide networking opportunities. Additionally, connecting with fellow students and alumni can offer support and advice.


Q: How can I explain my summer activities on my resume?


When listing your summer activities on your resume, focus on the skills and experiences that are relevant to the legal field. Clearly articulate the tasks you performed, the skills you developed, and any accomplishments or projects you completed. Whether you worked a non-legal job, volunteered, or took classes, highlight aspects that demonstrate your initiative, work ethic, and ability to learn.


Q: Can I still network without a legal internship?


Yes, you can and should continue to network. Attend networking events, legal conferences, and bar association meetings. Engage with professionals on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Request informational interviews to learn about different areas of law and to build connections.


Q: How can I stay motivated and positive?


Staying motivated and positive can be challenging, but it is essential. Set clear, achievable goals for your summer and create a schedule to stay on track. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family. Take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout. Remember that many successful attorneys have faced similar challenges.


Q: Are there any online communities or forums for law students?


Yes, there are several online communities and forums where law students can share experiences, advice, and support. Websites like Reddit (r/lawschool), Top Law Schools (TLS) forums, and various Facebook groups for law students can be valuable resources.


Q: How can I find volunteer opportunities in the legal field?


To find volunteer opportunities, start by contacting local legal aid organizations, non-profits, and public interest groups. Your law school’s career services office may also have listings for volunteer positions. Additionally, you can reach out to bar associations and community centers that might need legal assistance.


Q: What skills should I focus on developing during my summer?


Focus on developing skills such as legal research and writing, critical thinking, client communication, and time management. These skills are crucial for a successful legal career and can be developed through various experiences, not just legal internships.


Q: Can participating in moot court or mock trial help?


Yes, participating in moot court or mock trial can be very beneficial. These activities help you develop practical skills such as legal argumentation, public speaking, and case analysis. They also provide valuable experience that can be highlighted on your resume and discussed in interviews.


Q: Should I consider studying abroad?


Studying abroad can be a valuable experience if it aligns with your interests and career goals. It can provide a unique perspective on international law, enhance your resume, and allow you to develop a global network. However, weigh the costs and benefits carefully before deciding.


Q: How important is it to stay informed about the legal field?


Staying informed about the legal field is very important. Read legal news, follow relevant blogs, and keep up with major legal cases and changes in the law. Being knowledgeable about current legal trends can help you in interviews and demonstrate your commitment to the profession.


Q: Can joining student organizations help?


Yes, joining student organizations can be very helpful. These organizations often provide opportunities for networking, professional development, and leadership experience. They can also help you connect with peers who share similar interests.


Q: What should I do if I feel overwhelmed or stressed?


If you feel overwhelmed or stressed, it’s important to seek support. Talk to friends, family, or a mentor about what you’re experiencing. Consider reaching out to mental health services offered by your school. Practicing mindfulness, exercise, and other stress-relief techniques can also be beneficial.


Q: How can I explain my summer activities on my resume?


When listing your summer activities on your resume, focus on the skills and experiences that are relevant to the legal field. Clearly articulate the tasks you performed, the skills you developed, and any accomplishments or projects you completed. Whether you worked a non-legal job, volunteered, or took classes, highlight aspects that demonstrate your initiative, work ethic, and ability to learn.


Q: Can I still network without a legal internship?


Yes, you can and should continue to network. Attend networking events, legal conferences, and bar association meetings. Engage with professionals on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Request informational interviews to learn about different areas of law and to build connections.


Q: How can I stay motivated and positive?


Staying motivated and positive can be challenging, but it is essential. Set clear, achievable goals for your summer and create a schedule to stay on track. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family. Take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout. Remember that many successful attorneys have faced similar challenges.


Q: Are there any online communities or forums for law students?


Yes, there are several online communities and forums where law students can share experiences, advice, and support. Websites like Reddit (r/lawschool), Top Law Schools (TLS) forums, and various Facebook groups for law students can be valuable resources.


Q: How can I find volunteer opportunities in the legal field?


To find volunteer opportunities, start by contacting local legal aid organizations, non-profits, and public interest groups. Your law school’s career services office may also have listings for volunteer positions. Additionally, you can reach out to bar associations and community centers that might need legal assistance.


Q: What skills should I focus on developing during my summer?


Focus on developing skills such as legal research and writing, critical thinking, client communication, and time management. These skills are crucial for a successful legal career and can be developed through various experiences, not just legal internships.


Q: Can participating in moot court or mock trial help?


Yes, participating in moot court or mock trial can be very beneficial. These activities help you develop practical skills such as legal argumentation, public speaking, and case analysis. They also provide valuable experience that can be highlighted on your resume and discussed in interviews.


Q: Should I consider studying abroad?


Studying abroad can be a valuable experience if it aligns with your interests and career goals. It can provide a unique perspective on international law, enhance your resume, and allow you to develop a global network. However, weigh the costs and benefits carefully before deciding.


Q: How important is it to stay informed about the legal field?


Staying informed about the legal field is very important. Read legal news, follow relevant blogs, and keep up with major legal cases and changes in the law. Being knowledgeable about current legal trends can help you in interviews and demonstrate your commitment to the profession.


Q: Can joining student organizations help?


Yes, joining student organizations can be very helpful. These organizations often provide opportunities for networking, professional development, and leadership experience. They can also help you connect with peers who share similar interests.


Q: What should I do if I feel overwhelmed or stressed?


If you feel overwhelmed or stressed, it’s important to seek support. Talk to friends, family, or a mentor about what you’re experiencing. Consider reaching out to mental health services offered by your school. Practicing mindfulness, exercise, and other stress-relief techniques can also be beneficial.


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