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Externship: What Is It? How To Obtain It?

published June 10, 2024

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In today's competitive job market, standing out to potential employers is a challenge that law students must navigate early in their academic careers. One of the most effective ways for law students to distinguish themselves is through externships. Although often overshadowed by internships, externships offer unique benefits and practical experiences that can significantly enhance a student's resume and professional readiness. This article explores the various aspects and advantages of externships, particularly within the legal field.


What Is An Externship?


An externship is a structured program that allows law students to gain practical, hands-on experience in their field. Unlike internships, externships are often shorter and may be either paid or unpaid. They are designed to supplement the academic curriculum by providing real-world applications of theoretical concepts learned in the classroom. Through externships, students can observe professionals, participate in projects, and gain valuable insights into their chosen career paths.


Characteristics of Externships

  • Duration: Typically shorter than internships, ranging from a few days to several weeks.

  • Compensation: Often unpaid, focusing more on educational experience than financial gain.

  • Structure: Includes job shadowing, small project work, and participation in various organizational processes.

  • Objective: To provide students with a practical preview of their future profession and to help them confirm their career choices.


What Is A Legal Externship?


A legal externship is a specialized type of externship for law students that often provides academic credit. These externships are regulated by the American Bar Association (ABA) to ensure they meet educational standards and provide meaningful, practice-oriented experiences. Legal externships involve working under the supervision of practicing attorneys and often entail tasks similar to those performed by junior-level lawyers.


ABA Regulations


Internship vs Externship: How Are They Different?


While internships and externships both offer experiential learning opportunities, they differ in several key ways:


Program Duration

  • Internships: Typically last several months, often during the summer or academic semesters.

  • Externships: Usually shorter, providing concentrated exposure to the field over a few days to several weeks.


Program Design

  • Internships: Focus on day-to-day operations, offering deeper, sustained involvement in specific tasks.

  • Externships: Provide a broad overview of different aspects of the profession, often through job shadowing and brief project involvement.


Program Depth

  • Internships: Offer in-depth training and involvement in specific projects.

  • Externships: Offer a snapshot of the profession, allowing students to experience various roles and responsibilities quickly.


Program Pay

  • Internships: Can be either paid or unpaid, depending on the industry and length of the program.

  • Externships: Typically unpaid, emphasizing learning and experience over financial compensation.


Types of Externship Programs


Externships come in various forms, tailored to different sectors and areas of law. Here are some common types:


Governmental and Public Interest Sectors


Externships in these sectors involve placements with government agencies, public defenders, and legal aid organizations. Examples include:

  • U.S. Attorney’s Office

  • Public Defender’s Office

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

  • Private/For-Profit Firms and Corporations


Students can gain experience in private law firms or corporate legal departments. These externships must be pre-approved to ensure they meet educational standards and provide meaningful learning opportunities.


Judicial Externship Program


Judicial externships involve working with judges and their clerks, providing students with insights into judicial processes, legal research, and case preparation. These externships often include classroom components focused on judicial decision-making and its practical applications.


Legal Externship Program


Programs like Access2Practice (A2P) offer 2Ls and 3Ls opportunities to work in various legal areas, both civil and criminal. These programs are designed to provide broad exposure and practical experience under professional supervision.


How Can You Get An Externship?


Securing an externship involves several strategies:


College or University Career Services


Many externships are arranged through partnerships between educational institutions and organizations. Students should consult their career services offices for guidance and available opportunities.


Networking Relationships


Building a professional network is crucial. Attending networking events, reaching out to alumni, and leveraging social media can help students find externship opportunities. Networking also provides valuable referrals and introductions to potential employers.


How Long Is An Externship?


Externships typically last from a few hours to several weeks, often taking place during the winter or spring semesters. This flexibility allows students to participate in multiple externships, gaining diverse experiences within a short period.


How Externships Benefit Students


Externships offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Professional Environment: Exposure to real-world work settings and professional practices.

  • Skill Development: Enhancement of practical skills and understanding of professional responsibilities.

  • Networking: Building connections with professionals and potential mentors.

  • Feedback: Receiving constructive feedback from experienced practitioners.

  • Career Confirmation: Helping students confirm their career interests and choices.




Externships are powerful tools for law students seeking to stand out to potential employers. By leveraging college resources, networking effectively, and participating in various externship programs, students can gain invaluable experience, develop professional skills, and build strong career foundations. Both internships and externships have their unique benefits, and understanding the differences can help students make informed decisions about their career paths.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: What is an externship?


An externship is a short-term, often unpaid, structured program that allows students to gain practical experience in their field of study. It provides real-world exposure to a professional environment, where students can observe professionals, participate in projects, and apply theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom.


Q: How does an externship differ from an internship?


Externships are typically shorter than internships and focus on providing a broad overview of a profession. Internships usually last several months and involve more in-depth, day-to-day work responsibilities. Externships often involve shadowing professionals and working on small projects, while internships offer deeper involvement in specific tasks and projects.


Q: Are externships paid?


Most externships are unpaid, focusing on providing valuable educational experiences rather than financial compensation. However, some externships may offer a stipend or other forms of support.


Q: What is a legal externship?


A legal externship is a type of externship specifically for law students. It often provides academic credit and involves working under the supervision of practicing attorneys. Legal externships are regulated by the American Bar Association to ensure they meet educational standards and provide meaningful, practice-oriented experiences.


Q: How long do externships last?


Externships typically last from a few hours to several weeks, often taking place during the winter or spring semesters. The duration can vary depending on the program and the organization offering the externship.


Q: What are the benefits of doing an externship?


Externships offer several benefits, including:

  • Professional Environment: Exposure to real-world work settings.

  • Skill Development: Enhancement of practical skills and understanding of professional responsibilities.

  • Networking: Building connections with professionals and potential mentors.

  • Feedback: Receiving constructive feedback from experienced practitioners.

  • Career Confirmation: Helping students confirm their career interests and choices.


Q: How can I find an externship?


There are several ways to find an externship:

  • College or University Career Services: Many externships are arranged through partnerships between educational institutions and organizations. Consult your career services office for guidance and available opportunities.

  • Networking Relationships: Attend networking events, reach out to alumni, and leverage social media to find externship opportunities. Building a professional network can provide valuable referrals and introductions to potential employers.


Q: Can I get academic credit for an externship?


Yes, many externships, especially legal externships, offer academic credit. These externships are often regulated by educational institutions and professional organizations, such as the American Bar Association, to ensure they meet specific educational standards.


Q: What should I expect to do during an externship?


During an externship, you can expect to:

  • Shadow Professionals: Observe the daily activities and responsibilities of professionals in your field.

  • Participate in Projects: Work on small projects or assist with ongoing tasks.

  • Attend Meetings: Participate in meetings, conferences, and other professional events.

  • Learn Processes: Understand various processes and operations within the organization.


Q: How do I prepare for an externship?


To prepare for an externship:

  • Research the Organization: Learn about the organization’s mission, values, and operations.

  • Set Goals: Define what you hope to achieve from the externship.

  • Prepare Questions: Develop questions about the profession, organization, and tasks you will be involved in.

  • Dress Appropriately: Follow any dress codes or professional attire guidelines provided by the organization.

  • Be Professional: Demonstrate professionalism in all interactions, be punctual, and show a willingness to learn.


Q: Can I participate in multiple externships?


Yes, participating in multiple externships can provide diverse experiences and help you explore different career paths. Given their shorter duration, externships allow students to gain exposure to various fields and roles within a limited timeframe.


Q: What are the eligibility criteria for an externship?


Eligibility criteria for an externship vary depending on the organization and program. Generally, students must be enrolled in a relevant educational program, such as a law school for legal externships. Some programs may have specific GPA requirements or prerequisite courses that need to be completed.


Q: Do I need letters of recommendation for an externship application?


Many externship applications require letters of recommendation from professors, advisors, or professionals who can attest to your skills, character, and readiness for the program. Check the specific requirements of the externship you are applying for to ensure you have the necessary documentation.


Q: Can international students apply for externships?


Yes, international students can apply for externships, but they may need to obtain appropriate visas or work authorization. It's important to consult with your school's international student office and the externship provider to understand and comply with any legal requirements.


Q: What should I include in my externship application?


Your externship application should typically include:

  • Resume: Highlighting your educational background, relevant coursework, skills, and any previous work or volunteer experience.

  • Cover Letter: A personalized letter explaining your interest in the externship, how it aligns with your career goals, and what you hope to gain from the experience.

  • Letters of Recommendation: If required, include recommendations from professors or professionals who can speak to your qualifications.

  • Transcripts: Some applications may require your academic transcripts.

  • Writing Samples: For certain fields, such as law, you may need to provide writing samples that demonstrate your skills.


Q: How should I dress for an externship?


Dress codes can vary by organization, but it’s generally best to start with business professional attire. You can observe or ask about the dress code during your initial days and adjust accordingly. Always aim to present yourself in a neat, professional manner.


Q: What kind of supervision will I receive during an externship?


Externs typically work under the direct supervision of experienced professionals who act as mentors. Supervisors provide guidance, assign tasks, offer feedback, and ensure that the extern's work is educational and meaningful.


Q: How can I make a positive impression during my externship?


To make a positive impression:

  • Be Punctual: Arrive on time and be reliable.

  • Be Enthusiastic: Show eagerness to learn and take on tasks.

  • Communicate Effectively: Ask questions, seek clarification when needed, and keep your supervisor informed of your progress.

  • Be Professional: Maintain a professional demeanor in all interactions.

  • Take Initiative: Look for ways to contribute and help out beyond assigned tasks.


Q: Can I balance an externship with my coursework?


Balancing an externship with coursework requires good time management skills. Plan your schedule carefully, set priorities, and communicate with your professors and externship supervisor if you encounter any conflicts. Many externship programs are designed to complement your studies and may offer flexibility.


Q: What skills can I gain from an externship?


Externships can help you develop a variety of skills, including:

  • Technical Skills: Related to your field of study, such as legal research for law students.

  • Soft Skills: Communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management.

  • Professionalism: Understanding workplace norms, etiquette, and expectations.

  • Networking: Building professional relationships and contacts in your industry.


Q: How do I follow up after completing an externship?


After completing an externship, follow up by:

  • Sending Thank-You Notes: Express your gratitude to your supervisor and any mentors who guided you.

  • Requesting Feedback: Ask for constructive feedback on your performance to identify areas for improvement.

  • Staying in Touch: Maintain the professional connections you made during your externship. This can be helpful for future job opportunities and references.


Q: Can I include my externship experience on my resume?


Yes, you should include your externship experience on your resume. Highlight the skills you developed, tasks you completed, and any accomplishments or projects you were involved in. This experience can demonstrate your practical knowledge and readiness for professional work.


Q: What if the externship experience is not what I expected?


If your externship experience is not meeting your expectations, try to:

  • Communicate with Your Supervisor: Discuss your concerns and seek ways to improve the experience.

  • Adapt Your Goals: Adjust your expectations and find ways to learn from the situation.

  • Reflect on the Experience: Even if the externship is not ideal, it can still provide valuable lessons about the field and your career preferences.


Q: How do I secure a judicial externship?


To secure a judicial externship:

  • Research Opportunities: Identify courts and judges that offer externship programs.

  • Prepare Application Materials: Include a strong resume, cover letter, writing samples, and letters of recommendation.

  • Meet GPA Requirements: Ensure you meet any academic prerequisites.

  • Apply Early: Judicial externships can be competitive, so apply well in advance of the deadlines.


Q: Are virtual externships available?


Yes, virtual externships are available and have become more common, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual externships offer flexibility and allow students to gain experience remotely. Ensure you have a reliable internet connection and the necessary tools to participate effectively.


Q: How do I handle confidential information during an externship?


Handling confidential information requires strict adherence to the organization’s confidentiality policies. Do not share any sensitive information outside the workplace, and follow all guidelines provided by your supervisor. If unsure about what constitutes confidential information, ask for clarification.


Q: Can I do an externship during the summer?


Yes, many externships are available during the summer. Summer externships can be a great way to gain experience without conflicting with your academic schedule. Start searching for summer externships early, as these positions can fill up quickly.

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