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6 Easy Steps You Can Take to Simplify Your Life

published April 04, 2017

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Whether it’s your day to day schedule or your life in general, it’s easy to let things get a bit messy, complicated, and out of hand. Most of the world is striving for more - more money, more things, more activities, more relationships - but at the end of the day we end up having too much in some of these categories and become overwhelmed.
Oftentimes, it’s best to step back from all the things we want to add and focus on what really matters to us at the end of the day. Stripping away the excess can bring a great deal of calm and peace to both daily life and the bigger picture. To help you get started, here are six steps that you can take to simplify your life. Choose a couple that really resonate with you, start there, and soon you’ll be feeling a little more relaxed.

Simplify your life with these 6 easy steps.
  1. Downsize your home. Have you noticed that with more space you tend to accumulate more things? That extra bedroom, which you thought would be perfect for guests, ended up being a catch-all for things you don’t know where else to put and rarely use? Consider living smaller, which will force you to decide what you really need in your home.
  2. Get rid of your TV/cable. Do you ever find yourself sitting in front of the TV and just searching for anything to watch because you’re bored? Sure, vegging out to your favorite shows can be relaxing, but after a certain point you can waste a lot of time in front of your television, when in reality you could be doing something more enjoyable or productive, like walking outside, drawing, reading a good book, or talking to a friend on the phone.
  3. Simplify your wardrobe. Mornings can be a struggle when you’re standing in front of a closet, trying things on and trying to figure out what to wear. Keep the clothes that you feel good in and wear all the time and remove the need to make so many decisions by ditching the clothes you don’t really love or feel like you should love. In addition, go for things that don’t require ironing or dry cleaning to make taking care of your clothes that much simpler.
  4. End your magazine subscriptions. Not only do magazines themselves create clutter, but they often leave you wanting to buy more things or feeling like your own life is inadequate. Ditching magazines will help you look around and feel gratitude for your own life and keep you from constantly wanting more.
  5. Make a list when you shop. It’s so easy to be distracted when you’re out shopping, whether it’s for food or anything else, and start throwing things into your cart that you don’t actually need. Before you leave, make a list of what you actually need and stick to it. You’ll end up with less clutter and more money.
  6. Spend money on things that make your life easier. If you hate cleaning, hire a cleaning service to come two to four times a month. If you waste away time at the gym without seeing results, hire a personal trainer. If your car is constantly getting covered in snow and ice, pay extra for the garage spot or have a carport built. It can be hard to spend the money, but you’ll be glad you did when you’ve reduced your stress.

published April 04, 2017

( 3 votes, average: 3.6 out of 5)
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