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12 Simple Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

published January 31, 2017

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Summary: Follow these healthy tips to avoid gaining weight during the holidays.
Avoid holiday weight gain with these tips.

Holidays are known well as the time of the year when most people put on weight. We’re all heading to holiday parties, indulging in richer foods, and drinking more than we do throughout the rest of the year. But do you really want to undo all the hard work you put into losing those pounds? To help you out, here are twelve simple tips to help you avoid holiday weight gain.

  1. Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals before a big event can actually make you overeat that evening. Eat healthy during the day and you’ll be less likely to overindulge.
  2. Eat before you head to the party. If you’re heading to a party where you know there will be tons of treats, have a healthy snack beforehand to keep you from being hungry and eating too many unhealthy treats.
  3. Fill your plate with veggies and protein. Filling up with fiber and protein will also keep you from eating too many sugary treats while at a party.
  4. Bring a healthy dish. If you’re heading to a party, offer to bring a dish and make sure to choose something that you’ll feel good eating. A roasted vegetable dish is always a good option.
  5. Grab a smaller plate. No matter what size your plate is, you’re most likely going to fill it up. Choose a smaller dessert or appetizer plate and go back if you’re still hungry.
  6. Freeze leftovers. Instead of leaving your leftovers there to eat for days after your big event, split them up into meal sizes and freeze them to keep you from overindulging for days in a row.
  7. Give into your cravings. Say what?! Yep. If you’re really craving something, it’s better to eat it in moderation than trying to hold out using sheer will power.
  8. Eat and chew slowly. It’s really easy when you’re at a party to want to scarf down some food so you can get back to talking. Take time to eat and chew slowly and really enjoy your food so you can tune into your body’s full cues more easily.
  9. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is important during the holidays. Not only is drinking plenty of water good for you, but we often confuse hunger for thirst.
  10. Make healthy swaps in homemade foods. When you’re doing the cooking, there are plenty of healthy swaps you can make, like Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, that will make your dishes just a little better for you.
  11. Beware of alcohol. While we all like to enjoy a drink at a holiday party, be particular about what you choose and how much you have. Avoid sugary drinks and drinking too much. The more we drink the more we eat.
  12. Focus on natural sugars. The holidays are filled with sugar, so if you have a sugar craving, try going for fruit first. This will help curb your sweet tooth and fill you up with fiber at the same time.

published January 31, 2017

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