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10 Summer Cocktails Your Guests Will Love

published August 20, 2016

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Summary: Try making one or more of these 10 summer cocktails at your next party.

One of the many highlights of summer is spending time outdoors with your family and friends, and nothing goes better with an outdoor gathering than some delicious cocktails. With the heat that often comes with summer days, having a refreshing and fruity drink can make all the difference, especially when you, as the host, want to create an ambiance of a relaxing beach resort. Dazzle your friends with these summer cocktail recipes that are sure to liven up your party and make your back patio feel like it has transformed to a tropical beach.

Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.
Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.
Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.
Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.
Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.
Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.
Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.
Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.
Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.
Try making this spicy grapefruit margarita or one of these 9 other cocktails at your next party.