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What It Takes to Become an Energy Attorney

published October 23, 2015

By Author - LawCrossing

( 263 votes, average: 4.2 out of 5)

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Summary: Learn what an energy attorney does and how you can become one.
Want to be an energy attorney?

If you intend to specialize your legal skills and make yourself more valuable as a lawyer, becoming an energy attorney might be your smartest option. Energy literally makes the world go round. Energy also makes the human world go round, and as an energy attorney you will focus on every aspect of the energy industry. Of course, you may specialize as much as your heart desires, but energy attorneys are often called on to handle electricity, gas, coal, and even energy trading work.
Any attorney can get into this niche, but it helps to get some experience before plunging in. Both government and private sector firms hire energy attorneys.
Click Here to Find Energy Attorney Jobs on LawCrossing
They are called upon to handle upstream and downstream oil and gas, pipeline transportation arrangements, and all the nuanced and interesting work surrounding nuclear energy.
If you already have some legal background, now might be a good time to specialize. Gaining the acumen to handle energy law – and energy law concerns all people everywhere – makes you an especially valuable and sellable lawyer, whose skill set will be welcome anywhere.
Let us help you find your place in this profession. We have the resources to help you make yourself more valuable as an attorney. Do you think energy law might be your next step? Let us help you.
Click Here to Browse Energy Attorney Jobs on LawCrossing
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