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Your Vibe Creates Your Tribe

published September 22, 2015

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The first time I heard the saying "your vibe creates your tribe," it really struck me. I'm always attracted to certain people because of their positive energies and their personalities. We all tend to like people who are similar to us, but at the same time who make us smile and who we want to be more like. When the people around us are striving to be better people, it makes us want to be better as well.

On a similar note, when we surround ourselves with people who are negative, cynical or generally act like victims and blame everything else for their problems, we are going to be brought down as well. There's only so much optimism you can have before negative people start to bring you down into their mindset as well.

Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers…


Working in the legal field can be incredibly stressful, including competition between peers, anxious clients, short deadlines and many hours. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people is so important to furthering your own career, and to keeping you calm and collected during your work day.

Imagine the kind of person you look up to, and the kind of person you want to be. Do you have a partner that you consider a role model? Another associate that has the great attitude you would love to have?

Guess what? You CAN be that person right NOW. Yes! You just need to consciously think about what kind of vibe you put off, and then start finding people who will lift you up rather than bring you down. By acting this way you'll not only become a happier and more positive person, YOU will start to attract other people who want that same lifestyle. Create a tribe of friends and colleagues who want to be happy, successful people and your life and mindset will improve significantly.
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